[ Chapter 13 ]

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           The guard ran from the dungeons, through the halls, and into the throne room. The master, looking as evil as ever, glanced at the guard as if he was a pathetic little fly.

          "What do you need John?" sneered The Master. "What? Cat got your tongue?" The guard was shaking fiercely and he realized how stupid he was. Just because she looked like she wanted to escape, doesn't mean she was gonna escape. Now he was in the throne room, with his master, with nothing to say. 

          "W-well, y-ou s-see I-" The Master cut him off before he could finish his sentence. 

          "You wasted my time. Do you know what happens to people who waste my time?"

           "N-no p-please!" stuttered the poor guard. The Master took out a staff, the most horrible staff there ever was. It was pure black, with a blood-red orb circling within. The handle carried a live snake, its body as black as the staff. The Master slammed the staff into the ground and the guards shrieks were heard throughout the castle. The guards face started to crumble, as he faded into a pile of ashes. 

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