Chapter 2

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6 Years Ago (Year-2014)

Other students were enjoying their summer vacation. While I am here, stuck with classes since I was entering the final year of my school.

This year would be hectic for me because we were supposed to take exams everyday.

I was in my own thoughts while combing my bangs and making it little messy. My mother, Minji was busy in the kitchen and my father Kim Soobin was polishing my shoes . My mother was a home maker, while my father worked in a small private company with a decent salary.

We were not rich but were happy with what we had.

I was the only child for my parents, and they showered me with everything. Even though we got up early, we were running late for my first day in the school as a senior.

"Your friend's car horn is echoing, Jin. Put your shoes on." My mother shouted from the kitchen making me to grab my bag on my left shoulder..

I put my shoes half way hurriedly,  and left the house before giving flying kisses to my parents. I ran out of my house only to find my best buddy Park Jimin, leaning on his car while keeping his hands in his pocket.

"Calm down, tiger." Jimin chuckled making me snort by his comment.

"Get in, Mr.Park."

I said in irritation and threw my bag inside while entering the car back seat. My shirt was half buttoned, shoes were inserted only half and tie was wrapped around my wrist.

And my first day as the senior of my high school journey began.

"Jeez, Jinnie. If any one saw us they would probably think I just knocked you up." I gave him a death glare through the mirror, and saw him mouthing sorry.

"But we both knew that we need dicks and not asses." I countered him and laughed together by my silly words.

After three minutes of struggles I managed to wear my uniform and shoes properly. I let out a heavy sigh and leaned on the seat while closing my eyes.

"It's the first day, and I already hate it."

I mumbled making Jimin chuckle by my statement

Park Jimin had been my best friend since three years. We both shared same classes, and he was the one who initiated the talk first. We were total opposite. They say opposites attract each other.

He was a flirt, extrovert, and good at games.

Me? A nerd, introvert, and don't have very good chemistry with games.

We weren't supposed to use car to school. But Jimin and I would always go in car and park it near by bus stop. We wait for our school private bus to pick us up. He used to pick me up though lived just three blocks away from my apartment.

We soon parked his car and waited in bus stop for our school bus to pick us up.

"I hope we both are in same class." Jimin said while whistling and winking his eyes at my school boys. I shook my head and chuckled by seeing him being flirty. Soon our bus arrived and I was left alone, since Jimin was busy with flirting with boys.

Jimin and I are gay and so are many boys in our school.

As our bus was slowing down, I sensed the smell of danger and I was damn right. 

It was my school.

The first thing which I hated most in my life. I was annoyed to wear school uniforms everyday . 

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