Chapter 6: Encounter

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Its been a week since Taehyung and his friends starts practicing. They really get along to each other. And most of the time, Jimin and Hoseok would sleep over to the mansion.

"Taehyung, when will you go at the bar again?" Jimin asked almost whispered.

"Tonight. Want to come?" Taehyung replied than focus at the professor infront of them.

Before the bell rings, a sudden announcement echoed throughout the university.

"Attention to all, i want everybody to be prepared on our school program by the end of the month. Please i need you full cooperations, we are having guess, and they are not ordinary guess......

........and to that, i want Mr. Byun Taehyung to come to my office after this...."

Taehyung's Pov:

Upon hearing my name, i frowned unconsciously to why the Dean want to talk to me. I notice that the class are staring at me, confuse.

"Hey nerd, did you do something wrong that the dean wants to talk to you?" One of my classmate yelled. I raised my brows to him.

"If there is, would you mind? Do you have any business about it?" I replied, some gave a shock faces and some just ooh to mybsassy response.

"Damn!" Then i saw him slam his fist to my table. I stare at him without any fear ib me.
"You really have the guts to fire back at me, Byun Taehyung?" He added, looking so pissed and i saw him bowled his fist and raised infront of me.

"Dont you dare!" Jimin interrupted, standing infront of me after harshly pushing the guy that fell from the floor.

"Let him hit me, Chim." I said, provoking the other. I saw Jimin narrowed his brows when he turn facing me now.

"Damn Taehyung! Are you serious?" I smirk at him then i suddenly notice Drake stand and before he landed his feet to Jimin's back i push Jimin at the side and using my right foot, i block his feet and i heard him groaned in pain. The class gasp, and it happen so fast that now im sqautting infront of Drake.

"I really hate using violence, but at some point i cant just ignore it. Specially when it comes to my friends,Drake Lee. Remember that." I said like threatening him then pat his shoulder before walking near to Jimin who was still in a little shock.

"Did i push you hard? Sorry." I muttered.

"What the actual fuck just happen?" Hoseok blurted. I smirk at them and before steppong outside the room, i took one glance to my classmates just seeing them with their big eyes and mouth open looking at me. I stare at Drake who was still same position, and to be honest i really hate fights. I feel guilty on what i did but i cant help it.

"Drake, i really dont intend to do that. Sorry." I muttered then walks out to meet the Dean.

"Did you see that? I cant believe it. He moves so fastbthat i dont even remember when did he came near Drake." One of the student comply.

"Thats a taekwondo moves. I cant believe that nerd--

"Watch your words! He is not someone to mess with!" Wendy yelled, face red like a tomato in anger.

"Wendy!" Jimin and Hoseok says in unison. Wendy covers her mouth, regretting what she just utter.

"So, who the hell is he? Is he somewhat like a gang leader to be feared off?" Drake says. Standing and walk near the three person.

But before they can say anythung, the bell rings indicating their lunch break.

The three came to the canteen and one of them look for a empty table while the other two brings their foods.

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