Chapter 12: He knows nothing about you

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Jungkook's Pov:

I am sitting at my office, talking to my hyung about underworld, when Yoongi hyung suddenly become silent. I averted my gaze to him and i saw how seems like serious he is.

"Hyung?" he look at me then to his phone.

"Did you have any idea who this KT is?" he ask still his eyes are staring at his phone.

"Yeah, its just happen that i accidentally knows his identity." I replied and he finally look at me with a smug look.

"So, are you the one who commented here?" I frowned to him not knowing what he is actually saying.

"What you mean hyung?" I ask confused and he stood from the couch, coming closer to my table.

"Jeon, i know how obsses you are to him. I know how you ask your men to stalk at him. But do you think your scaring the poor boy?" he said then handle his phone to me, i look at him and he gesture me to take a look at his phone.

I smile upon seeing KT's video, thats the first time that i saw him. I was interrupted when Yoongi talk again.

"So, its you who commented that?"

"i really dont get what--" i stop when i saw something at the comment section.

"who is this fucking bastard?!" I said, seething my teeth.

"What you mean? Are you not the one?" Yoongi blurted. I clench my jaw and my blood boil in anger just thinking that my angel is in danger.

"Damn it,hyung. If--" i was cut again when my secretary enters my office, she's panting and looking scared.

"Do you have a death wish?! How dare you enter without knocking?!" I yelled in anger that she flinch.

"Im...sorry Mr. Jeon. But...but.." she said stuttering.

"What?!" I yelled again.

"There's a kid down, Mr. Jeon. He's looking for you."she said. I look at Yoongi who was standing with confuse eyes.

"Who again?" But before she answered my phone rings. I look at the caller id but it was just a number. At first, i really dont want to answer but again it rings. I groand in annoyance. I shoo my secretary to leave.

"What?! Make it quick im--

"Jeon?" I heard a familiar voice, i stare again at the screen of my phone before putting near my ear.

"Jeon, please dont do anything to him. He doesn't know anything and he think you are the one--"

"Wait. What do you mean?" i ask. "I dont get it."

"I'll explain everything to you. Just please dont let anything happen to him. He is coming to you and god i dont know what he is thinking." hearing this, i cut the call and rashly run downstair. Reality hit me about the boy my secretary told, its him....its my baby KT. I heard Yoongi called me but i ignored, i know he follows me too.

"Jeon Fucking Jungkook!"

As the elevator's door open, that deep voice echoed at the building. I observed him and i saw how furious he is but in my eyes, he is still damn so beautiful.

"KT?" i heard Yoongi said. I hum and when i notice that Yoongi wants to go to him, i stop him.

"Wait hyung."i said. We observe him and my employees are watching too.

"Kiddo, you should not here. Mr. Jeon is not someone whom you want to mess with." the guard said threatening him. I clench my jaw seeing how he hold my baby in his arm.

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