Chapter 9: Kim Taehyung Identity

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After meeting the university Dean, Taehyung quickly walk to his classroom.

"Im sorry sir." He said when he enters their room. The professor just nod and gesture him to take his sit before he continue his lessons.

"Its thr second time the dean talks to you,why?" Jimin whispered, eyes focus infront.

"Its nothing important,Chim." Tae replied.

After a long hour of boring class, the bell rings for their lunch break.

Taehyung, Jimin with Hoseok and Wendy, went to tge canteen. As usual, Wendy is the one who search for an empty table for them.

"Tae, how about your guitar?" Jimin ask while choosing their meal.

"I dont know. Maybe or maybe not i will get back...i dont know." he said with a little pout. That is important to him coz Baekhyun give that in his 14th birthday.

"Did you heard that the Kim Empire are one of our vip visitor at the end of the month?" One student says a little bit loud that Jimin look at Taehyung who seems not surprised about it.

"Yeah, and i dont know if the gossips are true about their hidden son." Another said. And Taehyung suddenly drop his tray upon hearing it.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" Jimin ask worriedly. The people at the canteen look at them or like stare at the trembling Taehyung.

"Where...where did you hear about...about that?" Taehyung stutter, asking the girl who blurted it.

"Why you care? As if you know them,nerd?!" she replied raising her right eyebrows.

"Yah! You bitch! Watch your dirty fucking mouth before i shove this tray to that big mouth of yours!" Jimin sassily yelled pointing the girl.

"Tae, i think its better to let go this...okay?" Hoseok whispered to him. Taehyung breath deeply before turning his back to go at their table,forgetting his food that was drop to the floor. He pass at the other students who are some glarng at him, some wondering what happen while some just continue eating their foods.

"Seems that you are pissed again huh?" Wendy said seeing him sigh upon sitting.

"Lets just eat and have our practice tonight again." Jimin said putting the foods at the table. They bring foods for Wendy and Taehyung too. They eat without talking, sometimes they glance at Taehyung who seems in a deep thought.

Jungkook was siting in his rotatable sit when his eyes caught by the guitar at the corner. He stood up and hold it, he examined the whole appearance until his eyes almost pop out.

He move his head from left to right, blinking for how many times, making sure he saw it exactly. He touches the lettering then he smirk.

"You cant run away from me. You are mineand mine only." He says moving his finger at the string of the guitar.

After sometime, he decided to call Yoongi but before he can dialed it, his phone rings.

"Hello" he said coldly.

"Mr. Jeon, it seems that you forgot our meeting?"  the person at the other line said.

"No. Im on the way." He replied then cut the call, he took his coat and glance at the guitar at his table before walking out his office.

Its just 3 in the afternoon when the dean university declared everyone to go home early.  Jimin and Hoseok told Taehyung that they will come at night to the mansion. Wendy and Taehyung left the university. Taehyung quickly open his car and enter without noticing him,then followed by Wendy. Just when he start the car, he saw Minho and he ask Wendy to call him to join them.

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