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Alarms are blaring. I hop out of bed and run into Eadlyn's room. She's in her bed, curled in a ball with her hands over her ears.

I shake her and she looks up at me fearful, "What's happening?" she whimpers.

I shake my head, "I don't know. Get dressed, quickly."

I go back into my room and slip on black jeans and a tight sweater before pulling my hair back into a high ponytail. I go back into Eady's room who is now wearing white leggings and a casual pink dress and cat slippers. I guess I shouldn't let her pick out her own outfits yet.

I lift her onto my back and she wraps her arms around my neck, putting her head on my shoulder. I race out the door and into the hallway where it's pure chaos. I navigate my way through the people and down the stairs to the main hallway. People are running around everywhere.

I look rapidly around for anyone to tell me what's going on when someone taps my arm. I jump before realizing it's just Zack.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

He looks worried and angry, "We're under attack. I don't know how they found us."

"How who found us?"

He snarls, "The white dragons. Rivals of our mafia."

"What can I do to help?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "The elderly and children are being locked into safe rooms. The fighters will take care of this. Bring Eadlyn to the basement and go into one of the safe rooms."

"No. I can fight."

He shakes his head and fear fills his eyes as he looks over me, "Please Shay. Just go. You aren't ready to be on the front lines. I need you safe."

I sigh and nod, even though I have no intention of listening to him. My heart pounds in my chest and before I can think better of it, I place a quick kiss on his lips, "Be safe."

As I look back over my shoulder, he looks a little shocked but a smile creeps on his lips. I bring Eady to the basement and hand her to an older woman that's putting kids and older adults into large metal rooms, "Here, I need to go back up, please take care of her."

She nods but Eady's eyes go wide as I set her down, "Don't leave me Shay. Stay with me. I'll just throw another fit so that you stay."

I sigh, please not this again. I kneel down, "I need to go back up and help, it's going to be alright, I promise. I need you to just stay here, please, and listen to what the older members tell you."

She must see how much I need her to listen right now because she nods and I say thank you before heading back upstairs. Despite all the chaos, it doesn't seem like anything's really happening. I think all of these people are still in this gang.

I search for Zack and finally find him, "Hey, what's happening?"

He looks over at me and sighs, "I thought I told you to stay in the safe rooms."

I smirk, "You did. I want to help, please let me."

"It's dangerous."

"Please. I want to help, I'm ready."


"So, where are they?"

He explains, "They haven't invaded yet. We have members all around the city that are look-outs. We got a report that the white dragons were coming towards the hotel. I don't know how they found us, we must have a snitch on the inside."

"How do you know it's them?" I ask.

"Their cars," he chuckles, "They have their gang symbol on the back of all their cars and about 20 of them just rolled into town."

"What do we do when they get here?"

"I'll meet with their leader, and see what they want. If things go badly, our members will fight against their members. Whoever runs first is the losers and I get to take over their land. But that's only if we can't talk civilly over whatever they came here for. Which if I'm being honest, we can probably do, we aren't monsters. We just hide away our elderly and children as a precaution."

I nod and things around us start to slow down. There's no more rushing around us, but there are probably about 50 people standing around in the lobby, ready for a fight.

I am ready for a fight.

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