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~5 years later~

Shay Blackwell's POV:
I enter the training room to my new group of students. Smiling young faces look at me, eager to learn. I chuckle at them.

"Good morning zetas. I hope you're excited for your first day of real training. You've all passed your omega in classroom training and your ready for field training now."

I grin at the excited faces looking back at me.

"Now, I know you went over all the basics last year, but today's going to be a quick review. I know it'll be a little boring, but near with me. You have a whole year of training to look forward too. Let's get started shall we?"

I walk them around the training field for the 3 hours of class time before lunch, showing them everything they'll be doing this year.

At 12:30, I walk them all to the cafeteria and tell them to have a good rest of the day. They'll go to the zeta library after lunch and work on their regular school work.

I walk over to the round table where Zack and Eadlyn are already sitting.

I look at Eadlyn, "How were the omega's today?"

She chuckles, "Eager. As always. They're so cute Shay. The youngest one in my class is 6 years old and she's just the cutest little thing."

I nod, "Yes, I've seen that one. Mara, right?"

She nods. I ask, "How's Derek doing? I know he was bummed about having to start out with the zetas even though he's 13."

She nods, "Definitely embarrassed. I gave him some extra reading to do so he can test out during midterms and move into your class."

I nod, "That's good. What about you Zack? How are the betas doing?"

"Good. I saw Stiles before I came in here. He said he was going to stay behind with one of his new students. Apparently one of the students wasn't doing to great with becoming a gamma," he says with a chuckle, "I can't blame him. It's big stuff."

I laugh, "Yes. One more year of training and they'll be betas."

5 years ago, Zack took out a couple million dollars to build this school in Wyoming. He bought 200 acres of land with a small lake on it. We built a 4 story bug school with 5 gyms, 20 classrooms, 5 libraries, and 200 dormitory rooms.

We knew that if we found kids like Angelica, who had abilities, there must be others out there like us. We don't know how many, or why we have these abilities, but we knew we had to help them learn to control it.

We created a system. When a new child would come to the school, they were given a test on how well they could control their abilities. They were then placed accordingly.

Omegas were the beginning level, some kids we found had no idea what was happening to them. These kids were usually the youngest kids. They started out in the classroom, trying to find research behind their abilities, and trying to figure out where they derive from. Depending on how fast they learn, most kids stay in this level for 2-3 years, mostly because of their age. Kids like Derek, who are older, can sometimes test out after just a few months.

Then, they move up to zetas. They usually stay there for just 1 or 2 school years. Here, they come out on to the outdoor and indoor training fields and learn how to control their abilities by starting small and getting stronger. They do workouts physically and mentally.

When they test out of there, they become gammas, where they try to develop their powers and become stronger.

Betas are next, this is the final stage where they learn to master their powers.

When they've learned all we can teach them, they become alphas, where they can use the alpha library to further their intellectual studies, and they can use the training fields at their own leisure to practice. They can also become teachers for the younger levels.

We called the school The Boarding School of Elites. Right now, we've got 5 omegas, 7 zetas, 6 gammas, 3 betas, and 4 alphas. It's been slow finding kids like us. We can't seem to find too many.

However, we set up spiders on the internet and we get a notification every time someone in the United States searches for anything related to abilities or powers or anything along those lines.

We also scan news articles daily, searching for anything out of the ordinary that police determined unexplainable or have a solution that didn't make much sense.

We then go to those areas, find the child, and bring them back here. To the outside world, we're a school for troubled children, but we are a school for the next generation of Elite children, gifted by unknown causes.

Some parents know about their children, others don't. The ones who do are more likely to give us their children. They have the option over holidays and weekends to go back home.

Most are from other states, and only go home around the holidays and summer break.

Zack says, "I want to make Angie an Alpha. I think she's ready."

I chuckle, "She's only 10 Zack."

He shrugs, "She's ready. She's already a beta, I think she's ready to become an alpha in the spring at the latest."

I nod, "Alright. I trust you."

Zack smirks at me, "Want to go to our room for a bit? You know, do some training."

I grin, "That's probably wise."

Eady rolls her eyes next to me, "Gross."

I stand up with Zack and smack her playfully on the arm, "Don't you have homework to do?"

"I'm not a student here," she says, "I just teach. I don't have homework."

I glare at her, "Eadlyn. We talked about this. If you want to keep teaching and not going to regular school, you have to go to the library and study on your own."

She rolls her eyes, "Fine. Have a good training session."

I smirk, "We will."

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