I lay in bed, warm in the covers, and looking up at the ceiling, bright with painted stars different in colour. As I look up, I think about all the things I want to be doing at this moment: I want to know how to not screw up. I want to not be scared of my future. I want to be with someone. I want to know everything will be okay. And most of all, I want to look at real stars. I feel as if I do this most things will be clear, so I can finally live in the moment, and maybe even with that someone I want to be with. Actually, definitely with that person. I hate to be alone, though, at the same time, I love it...how odd. Nothing will be solved, but with those precious seconds, it wouldn't matter. I wanted nothing to matter...
1-ish Page Stories
HumorThis is a book where I write one page stories that may or may not go over one page some-actually most- of the time. Maybe I should've called this two page stories.....nah. The writings have virtually nothing to do with one another but they're things...