+ but you don't want me to see nobody else

45 3 0

"i promise you-"

"wow, we're making promises already?" minho interrupted.

"shut up, i wanted to say that if any of this shows up on the media, i won't be talking to you, and will leave sm." she smiled.

"you wouldn't."

"ok." she went back to eating.

"i don't think sihyeon's gonna like you." she continued.

"and why is that?"

"because you're boring-"

"im borin-"

"AND yeah. i thought you'd be more interesting and now you're eh."

"oh wow."

she nodded.

"okay, ill be more interesting.. for you of course." he said sarcastically.

"see, you're improving now."

he rolled his eyes.

"did you make this?" she asked regarding a chocolate cake as she held it.

"yes i did."

"it looks good." she cut herself a piece.

he smiled at her response.

"it's too weird, he's being too nice and i don't like it?" she questioned in her head.

they conversed awkwardly throughout the "date".

"okay, are you finished?" he asked.

"yes." she got up and helped him put things away.

"why don't you know how to fold a blanket?" she grabbed it from the basket as it was thrown in.

"i never thought it was important."

"here, let me help you learn. grab the other end, minho~. am i talking to the ducks?"

he laughed and grabbed the other end of the blanket. they got closer as they connected the corners and minho smiled right at here as she got nervous and dropped the blanket.

"you know what, it's not important." she covered her face.

"wait, are you not gonna teach me?"

"no, it's good." she fixed the basket as she turned around.

"it's so embarazzing, how he makes me nervous. like he's cute but like not that cute. actually, he's a jerk... who just happens to be cute." she thought.

"okay, let's go now, before i get tired."

"so you don't want ice cream?"

"i never said that~" she started walking.

minho caught up to her and grabbed the basket from her hands which startled her.

"i could've held it myself."

"well, i wasn't gonna let you." he said in the same tone.

she rolled her eyes.


"yes, can i get vanilla on a cone."

"boring," he whispered. "anyways, could i get the strawberry cheesecake with caramel in a waffle cup."

"boring." she whispered.

"the total will be $10.68."

"i have the 68 cents if you need it." she whispered, and he laughed along with the cashier.

he paid and they thanked the people and left.

they decided to walk around and minho slowly grabbed her hand.

and she noticed but let it go since she was tired of arguing.

"you're a bit quiet."

"im tired. you're ice cream looks good." she yawned.

"does it?"

"why are you questioning me."


"it's okay."

"here, try it."

"the ice cream?" she yawned.

"yeah." he laughed at her.

she tried it, and surprisingly she liked it.

"here you go, have mine." she put her head on his shoulder.

"you're adorable." he told her.

"i know."

"we can go now, i know you have things to do tomorrow." she told him as they walked towards his vehicle.

he opened the door for her and she got in.

"do you want me to drop you off at sm or the groups house?"

"uhm, the dorm would be nice."

he nodded and drove off.


once they made it back

"dont mention anything to sihyeon please."

"i wouldn't~." she mocked him.

"alright, good to know. bye."

"bye, thank you." she smiled and waved which left him smiling.

you ain't my boyfriend // choi minho Where stories live. Discover now