+ gifts

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two weeks have gone by and everyone was getting ready to go but before they had to gift each other.

"alright, everyone let's come together before we exchange."
jisoo ~ mia
mia ~ soojin
soojin ~ siheyon
siheyon ~ r.u.
r.u. ~ jisoo
"before we do it, everyone say what they would like
as a gift." r.u. mentioned. "ill start. i would like a cinnamon roll set. like the ones where you get the ingredients and bake them yourself."
"i would like a vanilla scented materials, and lindor chocolate. those are my favorites." jisoo said.
"i saw at the store this m&m big sized pillow and i loved that and sour patch kids." soojin said.
"for me, a starbucks gift card." mia said.
"and for me... these nike shoes." siheyon said as she showed her phone. "ill put it in the group chat."

mia went first. "alright, so i had soojin and you said that you wanted and m&m pillow so i got you a yellow one since that's your color, and two huge packs of sour patch kids. and a rose and a letter for you." she gave it to her.

"oh, my god! thank you so much." soojin gave her a huge hug.

"of course."

"okay, now i got siheyon and i saw your shoes in your size and got so happy and i wanted to give you more so i got you this Bluetooth speaker lamp that changes colors on the song and a pound of recess chocolate."

"oh, thanks." siheyon said and gave soojin an awkward handshake.

"anyways, i got the one and only r.u. and i got you your cinnamon set and a bunch of cinnamons scented products because i was tempted to get it." siheyon said.

"you did not! thank you so much!" she hugged.

and siheyon and jisoo gave each other the side eye and laughed.

"okay, i had the fabulous jisoo, and i know you're obsessed with vanilla so i got you a bunch of vanilla candles, vanilla body spray, hair shampoo, and i bought you these frosted cookies that i know you'd like and more. and  big lindor chocolates that will last a long time." r.u. said.

"ah, i love it, thank you!" they hugged.

"and now last but not least. mia! my favorite. you said only wanted a Starbucks gift card but you deserve more, so i got you a gift card with a lot of money on it, and this Starbucks mug and cup. i got you these two big Kit Kat's that should probably be in the freezer before they melt." everyone laughed. "and i got you this tshirt with your face on it and a special letter."

she showed them and they all seemed to enjoy it.

"thank you, baby jisoo." mia hugged her.

"alright, that was fun and i hope you all have an amazing vacation." mia said.

"and send pictures in the groupchat!" r.u. said.

"wait is anyone staying here tonight?"

"i am." jisoo said.

"will you be good?"

"yeah, im meeting with my family tomorrow and were going from my house."

"okay, good. be safe." mia said walking towards the door.

"i will, bye everyone!" they did a group hug.

jisoo closed the door behind her and sat on the couch. luckily, the dorm is clean and she gets to relax but she is bored.

ring ring ring...

"minho!" jisoo shouted through the phone.


she laughed.

"what are you doing for tomorrow?"

"nothing, really. you?"

"what do you mean nothing. are you not seeing your family?"

"no, i can't, they're on business trips internationally so i can't meet up with them."

"oh, that's sad."

"way to make me reminded."

"oh, sorry." she said genuinely sad. "my family is going to jeju with soojin's, you should join us! wouldn't that be fun."

"i wasn't really thinking about going out on vacation."

"cmon, wouldn't it be fun!"


"you're a family guy, they all would love you. cmon, just join as a friend, wouldn't you want your friend to be happy."

he sighed.



she cheered and hung up.

she called her mom.

"hey, mom."

"jisoo, hi, how are you?"

"im good, good, how are you?"

"im doing fine, just preparing for the trip."

"ah speaking of the trip, can i invite my friend. his family is away and i don't want him to feel lonely during christmas time."

"who is it?"

"you know minho."


"shinee minho."

"ah, he's a good one, yes, we can take him. should we get him gifts too?"

"he didn't mention anything but he should get something. im going shopping in a few minutes."

"okay, ill tell everyone before tonight because i don't want anyone to wait until tomorrow before we leave."

"oh okay. thank you, moma."

"yes no problem."



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