Stargazing (Logince)

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(tw for a bad day?  people not listening to Logan? Let me know if there's anything else)

Logan's POV

Why does no one listen to me? If people would simply listen to my reasoning we could solve Thomas' dilemmas so much faster and much more efficiently but no, no one listens to me so everything takes far too long to figure out then I am left with more work. Speaking of work that's what I'm doing now and have been doing for four hours. It was about 6:30 in the morning and I was just about finished with what I needed to do bu ti couldn't sleep. There was too much to do still I look to my bed to see Roman, my boyfriend, still asleep. I stand and cover him up, he always managed to kick the covers off then complained that he was freezing all day. After I do that I leave, walking down to the kitchen. 

On the way to the kitchen I fall, of course, I fall, something was on the stairs and I tripped on it and fell down the last few steps. As soon as I hit the ground Patton comes running around the corner gasping when he saw me, he must have been in the kitchen

"oh my goodness Logan" He starts as he hurries over carefully helping me "what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He starts checking for wounds

"I'm fine Patton just tripped is all. Something was on the stairs and I did not notice while I walk walking and I tripped on it and fell, other than a bit of a headache I am fine though" I try to calm the heart-side but he seems set on making sure I was okay anyway.

"Okay, let me get something for your head" Patton says helping me up being careful after he was sure I had no other injuries. A few scrapes and a headache other than that I was fine.

sighing softly I gove a nod knowing I don't have much of a choice, he cares for us all so much it's too much sometimes but it's all for the best in his eyes so I do not mind much. I follow him to the kitchen where he sits me down and gets medicine for my head and water

"Here you go. I'm gonna go finish breakfast okay? Call me over if you need anything" the blue side cheers, I nod again taking the medicine even though I would be fine. He would worry if I didn't. Patton gives a big smile and skips off.

Everything was fine for a while, I had gotten a book from the common room and went back to the dining room sitting back in my seat. Soon enough Roman comes down and sits next to me, it was about 7 o'clock at this point. Next was Remus who sat at the opposite end of the table, well more like perched on the chair. I'm not sure he can sit like a normal person but that's fine as long as he doesn't start this early I don't really care. He and Roman mostly always woke up at the same time though. Almost always around 7 a.m. next was Janus at about 7:15, 7:30 who sat next to Remus still half-wrapped in a blanket which was fair the mindscape was getting colder and he was cold-blooded. 

I feel Roman lean against me slightly probably still a bit tired, I play with his hair softly still reading even though it hurt my head. Soon enough Virgil joins us, he was normally the last to wake up and still looked half asleep so Patton probably woke him for breakfast. Speaking of Patton he brings out all of our breakfasts. He sets mine down and I thank him, setting down my book, right into crofters. Today is going great. I sigh again cleaning the poor book off though now it was sticky. Roman looks at me questionable before eating, I also just start eating. Janus silently eats shivering a bit, Remus is spouting random facts while he eats. Patton is the last to sit down and start eating but he looks me worried

"Are you sure you're okay Logan?" He asks 

"I'm fine Patton just having a-" I pause looking through my note cards holding one up questioningly "lowkey?" I look at the card strangely before continuing "bad morning, did I use that right?" I ask looking at Roman and Virgil who both kinda shrug

"Oh, I'm sorry Logan, I hope it gets better for ya kiddo!" He cheers before continuing eating, I just nod and keep eating. I hope it gets better today.

Soon enough everyone finishes breakfast and head off to what they do, I head back to Roman and my room to do work. Roman comes with me giving my head a kiss before heading into the imagination to make sure Thomas can focus on his work instead of daydreams and other ideas, for now, He would be back soon to work on ideas for videos or something like that. 

Working on helping Thomas with the technicalities of some of his video ideas, and some schoolwork as he went back to college recently to get another degree in video production with a minor in film to help with his career. He had a test tomorrow so I was making sure he knew all he needed to know for it. The only issue with this was I couldn't focus on what I was doing to save my life, figuratively. I hear the door to the imagination open and close again, footsteps coming over to me and arms wrapping around me gently. 

"Welcome back Roman," I say trying my damnedest to focus on what I was doing but being unable to. Laying my head against Roman as I about give up, today was just not my day, and soon enough Thomas would suffer because of it

"Still not having a good day Lo?" Roman asks one of his hands moving to run through my messy hair.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask, voice tired and a bit annoyed at my bad day already, it was barely noon. 

"Kinda, take a break, for now, I can tell its annoying you a bit." He says and I only nod, soon feeling Roman lift me from the chair I was in holding me bridal style. He takes me to the bed and just lays me down laying with me for a bit.

We lay down for a while, just me in his arms. My head lays on Roman's chest as he plays with my hair after a while I feel something warm fall down my face. Roman looks down and brings a hand to my face gently wiping off whatever was running down my cheeks before speaking softly.

"Logan, are you okay?"

"yes, why do you ask?" I say but my voice came out soft and broken.

"Lo, you're crying love, what's wrong really?" The prince says worried

"I'm...I'm not sure" I start, the warm substance or tears? siding down my cheeks in warm rivers again "I guess it's just been a really bad day and nothing seems to be going right." I admit and he nods softly.

"I'm sorry Logan, is there anything I can do to help? We can go look at the stars, I know you love them and you love to teach me the constellations and I enjoy learning about them. or we could cuddle or whatever you want." He suggests the stars sounded lovely right now actually. 

"The stars sound lovely Ro, Can we do that?" I ask voice still soft. 

"Then let's go to the imagination and see some stars." He says helping me up then intertwining our fingers and walking with me to the door of the imagination, it was in our room which made it easy.

As we walk into the imagination the world morphs from a sunny warm day to a clear slightly chilled night, from the 'royal kingdom' as Roman calls it to a small clearing under the vast night sky. We go over to a spot and Roman summons up a blanket to lay down on and we do. Laying on the red and indigo blanket looking at the stars My head finds its way to Ro's chest again and his arms find their way around me carefully as we look at the calm and beautiful stars. 

We spend hours looking at the stars, pointing out constellations, and me explaining what the constellation is. A faint smile found my expression most of the 'night' with Roman. when we weren't looking at all the stars we were just talking and enjoying the other's presence all night. 

Maybe bad days weren't always that bad.


thank you all so much for reading!! Sorry, this took so long to get out. Let me know if you have anyone/anything you want to see in the book!! Thank you all!!
Goodbye guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

words 1500

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