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Patton's POV

I was in my room with Logan, we had been dating for a while now so we normally stayed with each other. Today was a pretty big day for me, it was the day I was finally going to come out to everyone as genderfluid. Logan was the only one to know so far and he was going to be there for support because even though I knew everyone would still accept me as their happy peppy parent I still had a distant fear they wouldn't.

"Are you ready Pat?" I hear snapping me out of my thoughts, I look up to Logan who was smiling gently and nod

"Yeah I think im ready Logie, your sure they will accept it right?" I speak softly fixing my white glasses. Thats how i normally showed what pronouns i went by, baby blue was male so he/ him , black neither so they/them, white both so also they them and light purple female so she/her.

"I promise Pat, i promise they will accept you just like they always have okay? Now, lets get going, lunch show be ready by now" He said in a gently but still monotone voice that always calmed me down before standing up and extending a hand for ,me to take, which i do.

"okay, lets go!" I cheer, still nervous but ready.

Logan and I walk down to the dining room hand in hand, mine were shaking very slightly, from nervousness or excitement i didnt quite know. We soon get to the dining room with everyone there Remus and Janus had joined us in the mind palace not too long ago so it was Virgil, Roman,Janus,Remus,Logan and I all here now, along with tell of a new side possibly joining soon but it was currently unknown. Remy also came and went sometimes so he had his own room as well.

"Good morning Patton. Good morning Logan." I hear and we both turn to Virgil who was walking in taking off his headphones, it was about noon but he probably just woke up not too long ago, Virgil tends to sleep in if he can.

"Good afternoon Virgil" Logan says

"Good morning Virge, how is my dark child today?" I say happily earning a small smiles from him

"im doing good popstar" He says taking his seat

Soon Logan and I sit down followed by Roman, Remus was already in his seat and soon Janus brings in lunch and joins us. We all sit in our seats Me next to Logan who was at the one end of the table, Virgil to my left, then Roman, then Remus and lastly Janus next to Logan on his right. We all thank Janus for lunch ans start to eat, talking about some random things that we've done today.

Roman talks about his kingdom in the imagination Remus buts in with a few comments about his kingdom and a few other things. Janus talks about his pet snake partially in lies because he still cant help that he speaks in lies a lot of the time. Virgil talks about his pet as well just calling her by her name even though i knew he owned a tarantula, it was kind of him not to say it knowing i dont like spiders all that much. he called her Roxy short for Roxanne and the one time i saw her she seemed pretty nice but i didnt stay long enough to get to know Roxy for obvious reasons. Logan talked about a new novel he has been obsessed with for a few days. I didnt really say much which caught Janus's attention

"Patton,are you bad" he asked

"Yeah im fine Jan!" I speak up knowing what he meant, i give a smile

"Arent you not sure?" He asks looking a bit worried

"Im sure, I promise. You know liars Janus, so you would call me out if i was lying" I say reassuringly reminding him that he can tell when people lie, he justs nods

"Okay, as long as you arent okay i will be worried."

I just nod looking at Logan after everyone finishes eating, he nods

"Everyone, Pat would like to tell you all something and it is very important so listen up please" Everyone nods going quiet for me, I stand up and look down at Logan once more, he gives a nod.

" Well, i just wanted to tell you all.I" I pause a second trying to figure out how to put it "Well im" Another pause, why is this so scary? Why cant i just say two simple words?

"Pat, its okay, Im here." I hear from Logan as he takes my hand, i give a nod taking a deep breathe

"I thought i should come clean to you all, so." I pause once more looking up at everyone "Im coming out as genderfluid!" i say quickly getting confused looks and silence from how fast i said it, I look at Logan for help and he nods

"What Pat said is they are coming out as genderfluid." He repeats slower so everyone understands, again silence. This causes me to get pretty nervous until Remus and Virgil speaks up

"Okay, so what are your pronouns and preferred name?" they ask and the others nod

"Well, i-it changes. Today its they/them and Paz or Pat" I say pointing to my glasses "The colour changes with how i feel, white is both and they/them so Pat or Paz since they are unisex names. Black is neither also they/them also Paz or pat for the same reason . light purple is female so she her and Pandora, and baby blue is male so he him and Patton.' i explain taking the other glasses from the pocket of my pants and showing them, i get nods from everyone.

"So Paz, Purple is female, Blue is male, Black is neither, white is both?" Roman confirms and i nod a smile finding my face hearing the other name.

"Okay, Well, i just need to find other nicknames to work with you all the time Pat" Virgil says giving a smile as well "But of course i accept you, all of us do, i mean you all accept me, im Demi-male(a/n Demi-boy?) asexual and bi-romantic, we all accept Janus, hes demisexual,transgender and pan-romantic, we accept Roman who is pansexual, we accept Remus who is polyamorous and pansexual, we accepted Remy for being gay, we accepted Thomas for being gay we accept Logan who is pansexual, we accepted you when you told us you were demisexual and pan-romantic a year ago and when you told us you and Logan were dating so of course we would accept you now Pat." Virgil lists getting a nod from everyone and a 'yeah' or 'exactly' I smile a bit more

"I didn't really think of it like that, thank you Virgil" I say getting a nod from him. Soon enough everyone assures me that they accept it and all actually try to stick to what i prefer. Though sometimes Remus,Roman and Janus messed up they apologized and fixed it all was pretty much well.

It made me happy to be accepted with open arms again. I love all of them so much. These seven were my family. Logan was my boyfriend,the others my children and they always will be.

Yes!im starting another book because I cant keep on one for long. I swear I am working to update the others though!I've been a bit busy so im sorry I haven't updated anything. But here's another one shot collections book because I have a bunch of ideas but no clue how to make them in one consecutive book so! Be ready for that!

Thank you all for reading! Goodbye!
Peace out guys,gals and Non-binary pals!

1330 words

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