Chapter Nine - Presents

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When I got to the door Brailyn nodded his head and just walked in.
"Where's Bonnie?" He asked as we walked towards my room.
"She may have chucked a tantrum and locked herself into the bathroom." I replied.
"Why?" Brailyn asked.
"The usual."
"You really need to get some shit that will make you horny."
"Brailyn! That's not even remotely funny."
"But it's true."
"It doesn't matter if I give it to her or not, she still wants me afterwards." I grumbled. It was such a hassle.

Brailyn rolled his eyes. "You, my friend, need to get your priorities straight."
"They are straight!"
"Whatever." He replied angrily.

A few seconds passed before Bonnie came out of the bathroom. "Oh hi Brailyn." She smiled warmly.
"Hello Bonnie," Brailyn replied, "I brought a gift." Brailyn smiled widely at this comment as did Bonnie.
"Oooh let me see!" Bonnie squealed.
"Is she allowed to open this one?" Brailyn asked me.
"Yeah sure. Go ahead Bonnie." I replied quietly. I didn't want to know what was in that box. He handed the box to her. It was plain black with a small red ribbon placed on top.

Bonnie opened the box without hesitation. I couldn't believe what he had gotten, supposedly 'us'. It was some sort of sexy maid's outfit and whip. Not to mention the handcuffs.

I rolled my eyes. I looked at Brailyn and said, "Seriously?"
He smiled. "Seriously."
"I have no intention to use those." I replied.
"You are so boring!" Bonnie whined.
"Whatever." I replied angrily.
"I'm sorry, but I agree with Bonnie." Brailyn said.
"Shut up Brailyn! I don't wanna know!"
"Whatever." Brailyn replied rolling his eyes.

Bonnie stormed out of the room angrily, and I rolled my eyes. What did I do now?! What the fuck? Oh my god. This happens every freakin day. Horny bitch. I narrowed my eyes slightly and Brailyn slapped me.

"Ow!" I yelled holding my hand up to my face, "What was that for?"
"For being an idiot."
"You're a fucktard."
Brailyn rolled his eyes at my comment, and I just glared at him. What the actual fuck?! He didn't need to do that!

"Your girlfriend wants you."
"She wants me too much." I replied angrily rubbing the side of my face softly.
"You seriously don't understand. Any other guy would kill to be in your position." Brailyn replied.
"No, YOU don't understand. We had sex last night and she's still acting like this. I can't handle it. I'm all sexed out."
"That's an odd thing for a teenage boy to say." Brailyn replied.
"Also, why did you get here early?" I asked.
"Boredom." He shrugged.
I rolled my eyes. "What? Did you have no one to punish?" I asked.
"You're lucky I haven't tied you up and spanked you until you bleed."
"Oh god Brailyn!" I yelled, "that's gross!"
"It's true. You are indeed sexy my friend. Why do you think your girlfriend is always lusting after you?"
"Because she likes sex?"
"No!" Brailyn yelled and slapped me once again, "because you are too sexy to resist."
I rolled my eyes angrily and Brailyn glared at me.
"Whatever," I replied, "how about you go home and punish some wrench of yours?"
"As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll stay," he said smirking, "I can smell cookies."
"Are you serious?"
"I'm dead serious."

I rolled my eyes which made Brailyn smirk even more. He walked over to my bedroom door but before he left he turned around and said, "don't forget to use my gift," he winked, and soon after his mouth curved into a cheeky smile, "I think you'd be hot in it."
I shot him an evil glare before he walked quickly out into the kitchen.

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