Battle For The Chaos Born - Part 3

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Tails wouldn't mind, she told herself. He wouldn't.

Of course, his planes were his pride and joy and, of all of them, the Tornado was the one nearest and dearest to his foxy heart for that had been his very first plane, a gift from Sonic back when the hedgehog was a budding pilot himself. People tended to forget this seeing as Sonic had, since then, traded wings for his beloved running shoes, figuring (quite correctly) that he could travel the world faster on foot than he could in the sky. 

Rouge had wings of her own but she wasn't strong enough to carry herself and her tag-alongs by relying on them alone.

While the bat piloted the plane over the South Coast and out to sea, her passengers in the back seat were peering over the edge and looked like two peas in a pod, they were so alike.

"Strewth, batty," the 17 year old racoon whistled, "if you wanted to go cruising, you should have just said so - would've brought my ship." She turned to the second passenger and gave her a friendly elbow nudge. "Did you know I have a ship now, mate?" she asked with her rolling tongue. "Proper little pirate me. Yep, got my official Captain's Degree about a year or two ago."

Sticks the Badger had only met Marine the Racoon once briefly a while ago. The two of them didn't have many opportunities to meet since they were both from other dimensions though they had heard plenty about one another - especially everyone's comments on how much they looked alike. For the moment, she was unusually quiet, trying to make up her mind about the chatty racoon.

"We're not 'cruising'," Rouge said sternly, her hands gripping the controls tightly. "We're the backup for the rescue of Sonic and Tails."

Marine's eyes sparkled. 

"Sonic and Tails!" she grinned. "Cor, it'll be a laugh seeing those two cobbers again, though if this Egg has tried anything with 'em... Holy dooley, mates, I'll be as mad as a cut snake, you follow?"

"Honestly, love?" Rouge could only chuckle, "I haven't a clue what half the stuff that comes out of your mouth means."

Marine gave a chuckle of her own and shook her head. 

"Yeah, I'm one of a kind, eh spunk?" she elbowed Sticks again. "Oh, but before I forget, it's congratulations in order, I hear!" Marine leant over to address Rouge, "Got a littl'n on board? You clucky sheila! Bet ol' Knucklehead was grinning like a shot fox!"

Sticks raised an eyebrow, trying to discern what it was that Marine was saying.

"Something on my face, mate?" the racoon pirate asked upon noticing Sticks' expression, patting her furry cheeks. "It might be bog standard but it's the only face I've got."

"You talk too much, you Sticks look-alike," Sticks finally barked, deciding that she didn't really want to be here at all and was wishing to be back in her burrow where it was safe and free from conspiracies. Marine was smiling.

"Yeah, I'm a yabba," she shrugged. "But I wouldn't say I'm your look-alike, Spunk. I'm a wily ol' raccoon, you know. Blaze told me all about you, mate - said you was a paranoid ol' badger. Well, no drama! I'm as legitimate as they come. It's the sook in the front you wanna keep your peeler's on, being a government spy and all. They're your kinda picnic, aren't they, Spunk?"

"Why do you keep calling me spunk? I'm no spunk! I'm nothing like a spunk!"

"Hahaha! I can tell this is going to be a fun trip. Mind, I wasn't expecting it to be all back of bourke like this." Marine poked her muzzle over the edge of the plane again, gazing wistfully down at the water.

"Back of what?" Rouge frowned to herself.

"Well, we've been flying for ages," Marine sighed. "You know where you're going, right?"

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