Battle For The Chaos Born - Part 7

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Where indeed had the pink furred hedgehog gone?

As far as the world was concerned, Amy Rose the Hedgehog was a strong independent animal woman that 'kicked butt, took names, and didn't need rescue.'

Amy would always secretly disagree.

When she had been born, she was no different to the other populace of the planet who were ordinary, simple people that ferretted about their daily lives. Back in her younger years, Amy considered herself a classic girly girl; she loved cooking and baking and cleaning and eagerly entertained the idea of being a housewife, which was rare in the day and age where many women sought to find different plans for their futures. Her fantasies of being a mother and tending to her own home and greeting her spouse after they'd been to work with a hot meal and a warm drink was all she ever dreamt of and so, of course, she wouldn't hesitate to say that she was often taken for the kind of girl that would need rescuing. Not necessarily by a man, true - but she'd have preferred one all the same.

Then, of course, she heard of a rebellious young hedgehog boy with electric blue quills and feet that could outrun a jet plane.

Amy sighed as she cautiously trotted down the corridor, ears pricked forward for signs that she was getting close to her quarry.

As anyone could now tell you, to be involved with Sonic was to be in acceptance of what he did - and what he did was protect the people of the planet from any threats and have fun while doing it. Becoming an ally of his and joining him as a Freedom Fighter meant that Amy had to let go of her dreams of being a regular housewife with a regular home and a regular garden full of regular flowers where she would regularly hang her regular washing and wait for her regular freshly baked apple pie to cool off on the regular old brick windowsill.

So yes, she was a strong independent animal woman that kicked butt, took names and only sometimes needed someone to rescue her - but only because she had HAD to be. There hadn't been a choice in the matter. 

Her current situation, on the other hand, WAS a choice and she'd be damned if she was going to go back without settling an old score.

Just ahead of her, Metal Sonic's red optics were illuminating the corridor in front of him as he hovered slowly to a stop. Amy stopped too, glaring at the back of the robot's head.

"...nOw wHAt Do yOu HOpE to pRoVE?" his grinding, false robotic voice spoke. Amy didn't say anything. "...YOu dONt fOOl mE, AMY ROSE. i CaN hEaR YouR hEArt rAce."

Teeth gritted against one another, Amy spread her feet a little further apart to give herself more purchase on her hammer.

"Don't flatter yourself," she snarled. "I'm not scared of you anymore."

"YEs YoU aRE." Metal barely skipped a beat in responding. "YOu rEek oF fEar."

Having enough of his ominous and over-the-top 'bad guy' routine, Amy raised her quills.

"Save your non-existent breath and put 'em up. I'm taking you down off your high horse."

Metal turned to look at her and Amy was proud that her heart only jumped a tiny bit this time.

"aLl bY yOUrsElf?"

With her confidence at a temporary high, Amy surprised herself by taking a couple of steps closer.

"I might not be like the guys with their speed and weapons and flying futuristic powers but... I'm still a hedgehog," she told him, "with a hammer."

Metal then produced a horrible sound which Amy then realised was just him laughing.

"yoU mAY HaVE pRogreSsED fUrtHER ThAn thE hElpLESs gIrl tHAt i oNce HaD tHE PlEAsuRe oF TOrMenTing mAny yEaRS aGo..." You might not have been able to see the grin but, boy, could it be felt. "...bUt dEep DOWn, yOU Are sTiLL hElPleSs. ... AnD yOU ARe sTiLL sCaREd."

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