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Sophie was in front of the cave. She felt better because Dex and Fitz had not sensed anyone on the Snake, but she was unsure on how well it worked because of it's tracking someone earlier, and now they were gone.

So she scaled the small cliff-like wall, and then gave her hand to help the others get up.

And then Lady Gisela spoke.

"Welcome, idiots," she said.

And then Ruy blasted a force field around them.

"What do you want?" Sophie asked, shocked.

Lady Gisela smirked, a exact replica of her son's signature expressison.

Sophie shriveled under her gaze.

"What, princess, have you manifested anything else, you show off!"

Ruy stepped forward and made a seperate force field around her, inside the big one. Sophie froze.

"So, I see you are missing your key link to escaping, bodyguards," Lady Gisela said tapping her manicured nails together.

"Where are they, then? Huh? ANSWER me, Sophie!" she yelled.

"They are at H-H-Havenfield" Sophie stuttered.

"Why? If you don't tell me what I need things are going to get ugly, Sophie. Just get it over with."

"Because they are unaware of this misson!" said Dex, stepping forward.

Ruy enclosed a separate force field around him and zapped him with it.

"I never gave you permission to speak, did I?" Gisela asked.

Sophie felt anger piling up in her, why did they not see them before?

Why were they here?


. . .

A goblin throwing star sliced though the air, going straight for Lady Gisela. She screamed, and Ruy scanned the area to see Sandor and Grizel and Bo coming for them. Ruy hurried to force field all of them, but then Bo sprung him and attacked, and with that distraction Sandor went for Lady Gisela, and he stuck her to the ground, while she pulled out her own weapons and started slashing him too.

The forcefield around the kids was still standing, but it was wavering without Ruy's focus on it.

A shadow hushed over the fight.

A shadow whisper came into Sophie's mind.

"Sophie, it's Tam. Go over to the white rock in the corner of the cave, I know how to help you."

"Tam, I can't. I am still in the force field."

"Now you're not."

He had used his shadows to break down the force field, so now the teens were all exposed and free.

"Come, quickly!" Tam ushered.

Sophie looked around and saw that everyone was hidden, probably in the bushes or the woods, and so she was the only one still there besides the warriors and the Neverseen, who were still going strong, but Lady Gisela was dripping blood and Bo had amost defeated Ruy. Grizel was inside the cave looking for stuff.

So Sophie rushed over to the white rock and a sharp, horrible pain entered her chest.


Hey guys, epic cliffhanger here!! Just wanted to say some surprises are coming up! Love y'all!


The Blue Glow | 𝐴 𝐾𝑂𝑇𝐿𝐶 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now