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Sophie held the crystal to the light and the friends held hands as they leaped to Havenfield. Sandor greeted them at the gates of the Sanctuary.

"Hey Miss Foster. Come, your parents are waiting," he said.

So the group followed Sandor as he lead them to the door of Havenfield.

. . .

in Sophie's room...

Edaline walked in and conjured up a plate of goodies and the friends layed out on the floor, talking.

"Where is Fitz?" Sophie asked.

Biana raised her eyebrows.

"Something happened inbetween you two, didn't it?" she wondered aloud.

Sophie sighed, and responded by stuffing a mallowmelt in her mouth. A roll of eyes escaped from everyone else.

"So, what is our plan of action?" asked Marella, "Lady Gisela died, and she was their leader. Ruy is still with Elwin, and I don't think he's woken up yet. And as for us, we are all bent out of shape and weary!"

Dex rolled over onto his back.

"I hate to say this, but I missed you guys!" said Ro from the doorway.

"RO!" everyone said, jumping up and running to hug the big orge princess in the doorway.

"Hey, guys! How's everyone surviving? How are you, Sophie?" she asked, looking at her.

"Well, I'm fine, but I've been wondering about Keefe. I-I'm worried about him."

Sophie stared into Ro's big playful eyes which were now full of sorrow.

"He's gonna be fine, guys, he's gonna be fine."

. . .

Ro joined them on Sophie's flowered carpet. She told them Keefe was still in a coma but was doing fine, still healthy but asleep.

They all talked about fashion, (Dex was practicly asleep), they talked about old memories, and then about the Ballad of Bo and Ro, which Ro practicly killed them all on.

"I just want to know, how's Linh doing? I mean, her preciuos twin brother just attmitted to being evil, turned on her, and escaped. How is she doing?" asked Ro.

"Well, I think Tiergan is helping her get through her trauma and her depression, and that's all I know so far," said Biana.

Ro shool her head sadly.

"This whole time, we really did underestimate him. He probably was feeding us false information and getting the Black Swan's secrets," she said.

"Hey, I never thought of this, but what if Linh was in on it too? I mean, yeah, she fainted and is in depression right now, but you could fake all that. What if she knew Tam was part of the Neverseen and she was too?" asked Dex.

"I don't think Tam would drag his sister into that. I mean, you saw them when they were still Waywards. He was so protective of her. So now I'm wonderring what got him to do this. Like, these actions are so pro-Tam!" said Biana.

"Yeah," said both Dex and Ro.

"We need to watch out, he's still out there."

. . .

Sophie woke up to yelling, shouting and exitement.

She rolled out of bed, snapped her fingers to open the blinds and turn on the lights, and got dressed.

Sandor greeted her and rushed the half-asleep Sophie down to her parents.

"What's happening? Why am I being rushed?" she asked.

"You need to go Candleshade now. Keefe is waking up from the coma, and his new ability is coming up huge."

The Blue Glow | 𝐴 𝐾𝑂𝑇𝐿𝐶 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now