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Sophie laughed, mentally tracking Biana.

She had come over to Everglen a couple hours before, and they began playing tackle bramble just the two of them, since Sophie and Fitz were still not on good terms, Dex was working at Slurps and Burps and Linh was still not mentally well.

Sophie enjoyed playing with her friend, she could focus and forget everything else, and it was something different. For now.

                                        . . . 

"Hey, Sophie!" yelled a familliar voice, down the hallway.

Sophie recognized that voice.


Sophie grimaced, slowly turning down the hallway. 

Her ex-boyfriend walked down the hallway to her and bowed his head. 

"Listen, Sophie. I now understand why we never were good together. You are a beautiful, perfect person, and I ruined the relationship with my anger issues and my accusing you of things. We are on good terms now, right. Never again will I pressure you to do something you don't want to, it's all about you. Friends?"

"Friends," Sophie said.

They shook hands, and then Fitz lead Sophie down the hallway to Alden's office. He shut the door and ushered her to sit down.

Then his face got creases again.

"What was that dream you never told me about?" he snapped.

Sophie stammered.

"I-I-I-I... Wait. Why do you even know about that?!?" she snapped.

"My father told me. He couldn't explain it, because he dosen't have a photographic memory liek some people." 

Sophie ground her teeth together. 

"Why do you even need to know?"

"Because we're Cognates, Sophie, and secrets are not tolarated!"

Alden barged in, surprised.

"Ohhhhh, hey Sophie!... Um, well, I'm sorry to say this Sophie; but Fitz is right. You need to tell him about the memory."

"What?!? Not BOTH of you are a team? REALLY GUYS?" Sophie yelled.

"What?!? Not BOTH of you are a team? REALLY GUYS?" Sophie yelled

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Fitz yelled.

More like screamed.

"FITZROY AVERY VACKER!" yelled Alden, the most angry Sophie had ever seen him.

She cringed, then mentally decided on projecting the memory, for the own sanity of everyone in the room.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'll show you, Fitz. Here, can I see the memory log, please?"

Alden sheepishly passed it to her, looking embarrased for blowing up.


Then Sophie began projecting the dream, a large mistake she would never forget.

                                                   . . . 

Near the end of the dream/memory, Sophie noticed something she hadn't before.

Ruy's eye color was a silver-y blue, not the usual rich blue.

Sophie's drifted away, slowly cutting the connection of the projection.

"Sophie, um, the projection?" Fitz tapped on her arm.

"Mhmm, yeah wait. Alden, do you remember what Ruy's eye color is? Like right now?"

Alden looked  a bit confused but replied saying rich blue.

Sophie thought that too. 

And then her mind made a connection.

"Ohhhhh, gotta go!"

She slammed her chair back, stood up and ran out the door sprinting as fast as she could.

Sandor came up next to her fluidly, asking her what they were doing.

"It's Ruy. Something is off in the dream, and its very important. I need to get to Havenfield NOW, let's go!"

She held tight to the log and grabbed Sandor's hulking hand, opening up the portal and jumped in, flying through the void to Havenfield.

Sophie stuck her landing and took off running. Sandor, who had the advantage, picked her up and sprinted to the house. 

They barged in the door, surprising Edaline, who was cooking up a storm in the kitchen.

Sandor put Sophie down and they both ran up the stair to Ruy's inprisonment room, and threw open the door, revealing a room with glass all around, and Dex's gadget on Ruy's wrist, to prevent him from using his forcefields.

Ruy gaped in surpise at the two sudden visitors, and then Sophie spoke.

"Open your eyes. And don't move."

She rushed over, glancing at the memory log to compare the two eye colors. She gasped, and then punched Ruy in the face, making him go unconsious.

                                                        . . . 

Sophie ran to the cliffs of Havenfield, dragging Sandor with her.

He was leaving a quick message for Keefe, telling him where they were going and to go there ASAP.

Then Sophie lept off, imagining Tinker's strange and mysterious home, opening up the void.

They landed on a rocky pathway leading up to the towering home, covered in vines and bricks cracking.

Sophie ran up the lane, noticing all of Tinker's mechanical animals checking her out.

"Tinker! Tinker! I need your help!" she screamed.

Tinker appeared out of a crevice in the wall, startling Sophie.

"Welcome, Sophie. Your'e just the person I've been waiting for."

Then she deftly pulled something out of from behind her, slapping it onto Sophie's face.

And then Sophie's world went black.

The Blue Glow | 𝐴 𝐾𝑂𝑇𝐿𝐶 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now