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...continued from Veintedos...

Biana POV

She looked over to her left and her heart fell in dismay.

Ruy was collapsing on the floor, his force field flickering out of commision.

"No!" screamed someone, probably Sandor.

Taking action, she vanished and ran over to Walter, who was now blasting machine gun bullets at everyone, and Edaline was quickly zapping them into the void.

So Biana took a life-or-death desision and tackled Walter, causing startled shouts from Jambie and Mark.

She wrestled the gun out from his fingers, and he blasted a couple bullets, two grazing her left shoulder.

Now bleeding rapidly, Biana clenched her teeth and closed her eyes.

And then she shot Walter.

                                      . . .

Sophie POV

The fight was getting worse.

Walter, whom Biana had shot, was now unconscious on the floor, bleeding furiously.

Although Biana had only shot him in the lower leg, the bone was shattered and his body was clearly suffering.

Sophie ran over to Ruy, who was flashing force fields at everyone.

"Get out of here, Soph. Now."

They both plastered themselves to the ground to avoid the racking gunfire taking place.

Ruy rose his head and quickly slammed it back down.

"Ow. Okay, I want you to jump Mark. Walter is already subdued, and it's only a couple dozen grown men left," Ruy said the last part sarcasticly.

Sophie quickly agreed and Ruy counted to three.

On three, she sprang up and bounced to Mark.

Quickly, she slapped his left leg with her leg and he yelped. He looked in that direction, and she took advantage by wrenching his wrists behind him until they popped.

Then she tackled him and whacked his head with a discarded gun on the concrete.

"Meekkllddd," was the last thing Mark said before ending up with a severe concussion and broken wrists.

                                                       . . . 

Tinker POV

Tinker moved over to a corner, near a shop.

She placed a large bomb near the back alley, and ran away.

Covering her ears, she pressed the button and the bomb screamed and exploded.

Several lifes were taken, but now Tinker knew how big a 'large' bomb was.

She needed bigger.

Way bigger.

                                    . . . 

Sophie POV

She heard the bomb go off. It created a huge crater in the ground, and the entire strip mall shops were history, all demolished and collapsed.

She looked at the huge clock tower to her left, and all of a sudden she realized what Tinker was trying to do.

She was going to take down Big Ben.

So she ran over to Ruy, but it was too late.

She was stuck underneath a collapsing 50 ton clock tower, and she was going to die.

Screaming with terror, she rolled into crash position and clutched her head in fear.

I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die.

I'm gonna die.

Sophie's mind racked though what she thought was going to be her last thoughts.

The tower blew up. Hot red sparks flew through the air and a fire broke out, slightly burning Sophie's right arm.

Crying out in pain, as if some miracle, Sophie was lifted up by Ruy's strong arms and rushed away from the fire. 

He finally threw her down rather safely on the grass and coughed horribly because of the smoke exposure. 

Concerned, Sophie rushed to his side and hugged him tightly, gently grazing her fingertips on his ripped shoulder.

"Thank you, Ruy. I love you. A lot. Your'e going to be okay. We will be fine."

As she finished speaking, the fire spread a bit more and the weak Ruy flicked his fingers into a light force field around them.

Sophie smiled, amused by his behavior.

Gunfire raked over their heads.

In an army crawl, the two quickly marched over to a safe spot and were meeted by Biana and Keefe.

"We are losing. We need help," said Keefe.

"Stop being so negativeeee!," said Biana, rolling her pretty eyes.

Sophie managed a smile.

But Keefe's words were true.

They were losing, and it was going down.

                                                                   . . .

Tinker groaned in exasperation. 

That dumb girl had escaped, and the crazy phsyco force field guy had escaped as well.

In other words, her plan was slowly sliding away. But she had one last chance.

Kidnapp Sophie.

She got one of her meanest, strongest, and toughest human men and gave him instructions. 

"Listen, Greg. See that girl there, huddled with her little boyfriend? Well, I need you to get her. Grab her, but take extreme caution. Her friend has a dangerous force field power, and he can protect her with it. Now go, you idiot," she said, pushing Greg onto the grass towards Sophie and Ruy.

Out of the corner of her eye, Tinker noticed a flash of something brown and shiny.

Biana's hair.

That meant Keefe was close by.

Which also wasn't good.

Greg could handle them, right?

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