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Sophie woke up to see both Fitz and Elwin leaning over her, Fitz watching worridly and Elwin taking her blood pressure.

"Am I going to be okay?" she asked, noticing everyone else was gone.

"Yes," said Elwin, walking over to the door to his office, "I'm gonna give you two some space to talk."

He stepped into the doorway and disapeared into his office.

"Sophie, I-" Fitz began.

"No. Why are you all of a sudden so distant? I thought you loved me, and now you swich people like that!" Sophie interrupted, snapping her fingers.

"I'm sorry. I felt horrible when I saw Tam taking it out on you, I know if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here right now. Linh was not my best interest, you are. I shouldn't of protected her, you were in danger and stupid 'ol me went for Linh. I'm sorry, Sophie."

Sophie sighed.

She rolled over to face Fitz, his teal eyes creased with worry.

"Please, Sophie, trust me. Please forgive me, I'm sorry. Trust me."

He turned and walked out of the room.

. . .

one week later...

Sophie's treatment was getting lighter, and Lady Zillah would come every day to check to see if her echos had returned. She hadn't noticed any yet, but she did say there was a small chance they were there.

On her last day, visitors were finally allowed, and Grady and Edaline came bright and early. And they brought Iggy.

"Hey, Mom!" said Sophie, sitting up in her bed.

Edaline rushed over to her side and put the Iggy's cage next to her.

"How are you? Do you feel okay? Do you need anything?" Edaline asked, resting her hand on her forehead take her tempeture.

Sophie laughed.

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine." She grabbed Iggy's cage and let the little imp out.

Iggy walked around on Sophie's stomach and setteled down there. Edaline smiled and stroked his newly dyed pink-and-green hideous fur that Dex had most likely given him.

Then Iggy let out a earth-shaking burp. Sophie pushed him off her and he fluttered to the bed post.

"Well, we just wanted to bring you a little something from home," said Grady, kissing her cheek.

They both left the room and went into Elwin's office.

Dex, Biana, and Marella rushed into the room.

Sophie laughed as they all crowded around her.

"Hey, guys!" she chriped, exited to see them again.

Biana twirled around and showed Sophie the new tunic she was wearing.

"Do you like it? Me, Dex, and Marella were bored waiting for you to get better, so we got together and made this!" she said.

The tunic was very pretty; it was a black one with the words 'good sophie vibes' written in the top left corner over Biana's heart, and when she turned around a pretty swirl of the four different talents; technopath, vanisher, telepath (the main on in this case), and pyrokinetic were all together to form on big swirl.

Sophie smiled and said:

"Oh, I love it! Thank you guys so much!" She grabbed the one Marella was handing her and Dex turned as she slipped it on. It fit perfectly, and Sophie at the moment was so happy and lucky to have such amazing friends.

Elwin walked in, escorted Grady and Edaline out of the Healing Center, and ajusted the *slightly* ajar photo of Keefe in his Level Four celebration costume.

"Well, Miss Foster, I hope you will be happy to know you are free to go!" he said, with a goofy look on his face.

"Edaline said she will conjure up a good plate of treats for us when we get there" said Dex, indicating Marella, Dex, and Biana were coming home with her.

The Blue Glow | 𝐴 𝐾𝑂𝑇𝐿𝐶 𝐹𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now