- U.A. -

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    "Killua, this place is strange," Gon mentioned when they exited Tsukauchi's office.

    "You know, sometimes I want to strangle you," Killua said in a bored tone.

    "Huh? Like... choke me?"

    "What else would I mean, baka?"

    "But why?"

    The hunter sighed, just wanting to flop onto the ground. "This is exactly why you're an idiot"

    "That is not nice, Young Zoldyck!" All Might slid into their view.

    "This old man again?"

    "Indeed!" The hero got into a pose and smiled widely.

    "Ooh, is that like a hero pose?" Gon asked with excitement.

    "Yes, I pose like this all the time!"

    "Can I do that, too?"

    "Of course, you can"

    Gon stood next to All Might and posed the same way as him.

    Killua was unamused. "You both look like idiots"

    "Join us, Killua!" Gon told him. "We can be like three peas in a pod!"

    "No way" He shook his head.

    "Come oooon!" Gon and All Might both waited for Killua to give in.


    "—pe" Aizawa appeared behind Killua with no expression. "All Might, stop acting like a child"

    "Sorry, Aizawa!" The other man stopped posing. Then he remembered something. "Oh, right! I need to check up on Young Midoriya!" He zoomed out of the station.

    Aizawa sighed and turned to face the hunters. "You two, we're going to U.A."

    "What's U.A?" Gon asked curiously.

    "The number one hero training school in Japan"

    "Wait a second, old man" Killua put his palm in Aizawa's face. "A hero training school?"

    "That's what I said"

    "Heroes?" Gon tilted his head. "Like the ones in the comics and video games?"

    "Yes. Now, come along" The pro walked in front of the boys, with them following behind.

    As they were walking, Killua started sorting out his thoughts. First, he and Gon have to be watched by Aizawa. He also made a deal with a villain last night, and now they're going to some strange hero school.

    Lastly, he couldn't help but think that they actually are on the other side of the world, but then he realized that that couldn't be right. It wouldn't make sense that the other half of the world speaks the same language as them.

    Then the boy widened his eyes. Could it be that we're actually on another planet? Are these people aliens?! Oh my gosh. That makes so much sense! They don't use nen and they have these heroes and villains who have to wear weird ugly costumes! Bingo — I'm so smart! Killua's expression turned into a smirking cat face.

    "—llua! Killua!" He had been so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't hear Gon calling out his name.

    "Huh?" Killua snapped back into reality. "What is it?"

    "I've been trying to talk to you for two minutes! What were you thinking so much about?"

    "Oh, that... Gon, I think we're on another planet" He whispered to his friend.

[DISCONTINUED] Huh? Another Universe?! - MHA x HxH CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now