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    Sigh. Killua was 100% sure that going to this hero school would cause many problems for him and Gon. He never had to study before, but it looks like it's going to be part of his daily routine, in about... 10 more minutes.

    "I'm ready! And super excited!" Gon couldn't stop moving. He was pacing himself back and forth while the wind was blowing his hair and loosened tie. Overall, Gon's uniform looked messy because he never had to put something like this on by himself. His Aunt Mito usually helped with that sort of stuff. On the other hand, Killua looked sharp and intimidating.

    They were both outside of the school, looking up at the giant sign while students were entering the bulding. Killua was not looking forward to today, especially because he didn't even get to finish that so-called intense training that he and Gon were supposed to do the other day.

    Sure, they could've done it yesterday, but Aizawa called it off because he had to do other stuff. Gon was super upset because he wanted to train, too. Instead, the two hunters spent their time studying the way people here write. Aizawa came to realize that the two weren't able to read anything. Needless to say, it was the most boring thing Killua had ever done. All Might made it worse by bringing some fried fish. It was totally random. Who comes to a classroom to bring two kids fried fish when they're just trying to learn some letters?

    Gon just munched them down, though. He was feeling hungry and thought that the fish would help him become smarter since it was from the number one hero.

    Here's a secret: it didn't.

    Killua looked to his right. There was a group of students who had plain looking appearances. On the left, there was a group of students who looked too wacky to even be considered normal human beings. When Killua looked back ahead, he saw a guy with spiky red hair. Walking next to him was one of the strangest things Killua had seen since he's been here. Why did he have to see this? Mark my words, this is going to be the worse year of all of my years of living!

    "GON." Killua said that a little too loudly. Gon skipped over and tilted his head.


    "Forget about Mr. Aizawa being an alien! Look at that- that THING over there!" He pointed at a pink skinned girl who happened to turn around at the wrong time.

    "Huh?" The girl looked confused for a moment before she smiled and happily ran over to the two boys.

    "Oh, no... IT'S APPROACHING!" Killua exclaimed. He grabbed Gon's arm and ran away from the girl.

    Hmm? The girl thought. She could definitely see the two running away, so she decided to follow them and give them a scare.

    "Killua, that was rude!" Gon exclaimed when they stopped running. "You probably hurt her feelings..."

    "It's not my fault she looks like that!" Killua stated.

    "I look like what, now?" The girl suddenly appeared in between the two males.

    "Gah!" Killua jumped back so he wouldn't be so close.

    "Hi, I'm Mina Ashido!" She introduced herself. "Are you two new to the school?"

    "Yeah, we are!" Gon answered. "I'm Gon! It's nice to meet you! That's Killua right behind me." He pointed to Killua who was obviously hiding behind him. "We didn't mean to run away like that... I guess he's just scared." Gon giggled.

    "No way!" Killua came out. "I was not scared of something like that! I only ran because it's the logical thing people would do if they saw a creepy alien coming over to them." He said with his arms crossed.

    "Woah, alien?" Mina made a surprised face. "I've been called raccoon countless of times, but I don't think I've been called an alien!" She laughed. "That's one way to start the day!"

    "Mhm," Killua took Gon's arm again. "Speaking of starting the day, we need to get to class, so leave us alone now, please and thank you."

    "Okay! I'll see you two around!" Mina waved before she heard someone calling her name.

    After a few minutes of walking around, Gon realized that they were just walking in circles. "Killua... do you even know where we're going?"

    Yesterday, Aizawa showed them where the classroom was while he was getting them study books, but it seemed that niether one of the hunters remembered the directions.

    "Of course, I do," Killua started to walk in random hallways. He obviously knew himself that he didn't know the way, but if he went with the flow, they'd be there in no time.


    News flash: In no time, turned into more time.

    The class bell had already rang, but Killua and Gon had no idea where they were.

    "Hey, Killua. Maybe if you didn't run off with me like that, we would be in the classroom with Mr. Aizawa by now." Gon pointed out. Aizawa did tell them to wait for him before going anywhere, but that obviously slipped the boys' minds.

    "Come on, Gon," Killua started walking back the way they came. "Let's just get out of here. No one will know. Besides, there won't be anything for us to do here anyway."

    "Hold it, Killua!" Gon slid in front of him. "I'm not ditching this opportunity with you. I want to experience new things and make new friends with the people in this world, and so should you!" He said the last part with enthusiasm.

    Ugh. With Gon like this, there's no way that I can refuse him. "Fineeee."

    "Good. Now let's find a teacher to direct us to our classroom." Gon happily smiled and started looking around.

    After gaining some help from the strange teachers in U.A., Gon and Killua finally made it to their classroom.

    Class 1-A.

    Right before the hunters could open the door, a face popped up in the narrow side window. It was none other than Mr. Aizawa.

    The boys gasped.

    The door was suddenly opened by the man. "You two sure like to make things troublesome." Aizawa said in a monotone voice. "Hurry and get yourselves in here." He moved out of the way, and the hunters both entered the room.

    All eyes were on them.

    Gon gave them the biggest smile he'd ever made. "Hi, I'm Gon Freecss! You can just call me Gon," He exclaimed. "I can't wait to train with all of you!"

    Killua just stood there and looked at the diversity of everyone in the class. He saw some normal people, but some of the wacky ones were there, too. Not to mention, the weird alien girl that he encountered this morning...

    Suddenly, Gon nudged his side and whispered, "It's your turn..."

    Killua sighed. "I'm Killua. Just Killua, and that's it. If you could, please don't bother me. And I'm asking nicely." He then grinned before Aizawa pointed the two to their seats.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Killua could see someone glaring at him. It was a guy with spiky blond hair and red eyes. Sure, he looked pretty scary, but not as scary as Killua can be when he gets real serious.

    "Ahem!" A dude with glasses stood up from his chair. "I welcome you, new students! I am Tenya Iida, the class president!

Welcome to Class 1-A!"


[DISCONTINUED] Huh? Another Universe?! - MHA x HxH CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now