- Exams: Part 1 -

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    "Alright, everyone," Aizawa was at the front of the room, holding big stacks of papers. "Today marks the first day of the written exam. You have three days to complete it. Right after, we'll start the practical. Any questions?"

    No one answered.

    "Good. If you studied, you should do well. Now, you may start."

    It was the first day of the written exams and Killua and Gon were trying to put their knowledge to good use. Even though Aizawa told them they didn't have to do the actual written portion, he still prepared a modified version of it for the two hunters. It was a good thing that they still studied because if it weren't for Gon pushing Killua, Killua would've done nothing at all.

    The weekend study session was very chaotic. It would've been better if two certain people didn't come...

    But, Killua swore to himself that he would get back at Bakugo no matter what — maybe he would fight him. And, add Mina to that matter, too. It was all because of what they did when Killua and Gon went to Yaoyorozu's house for that study session they agreed on.

    First, he was called a vampire because Gon unintentionally brought up how his house looked, and the others thought that it was some sort of strange haunted house on a mountain. Mina thought that it was super weird for someone like Killua to be living in a place like that, but then she realized that it wouldn't be too weird if he was actually a vampire.

    Which, of course, he isn't.

    After that catastrophe, Bakugo thought that it would be a good idea to pour water on him and mess around with his hair to make it look like he had a unicorn horn.

    Killua was really getting annoyed after that.

    He tried to fix it, but Mina, being Mina, just had to take a picture of him.

    "Alien girl!" He shouted. "Delete that right now!"

    "Nope~ You look too cute!"

    Cute. Freaking cute was what that alien called him.

    Killua had enough, so he ended up chasing her around the room, trying to get her to delete the picture, but it was hopeless. Mina was dancing everywhere, up high, down low, she was moving like a thread through a needle.

    Long story short, they ended up almost wrecking Yaoyorozu's dining room while Bakugo was just wheezing in the back corner.

    That barking dog! I really will get revenge...

    To let out his returning frustration, Killua sped through the exam.

    Two more days of this exact thing passed and finally, the last hours of the exam went by.

    "That's it! Pencils down." Aizawa said. "Pass up your papers."

    "Killua," Kaminari tapped the hunter's arm. "Your paper, please?"

    "Oh, uh, here." He handed him the paper.

    Once all of the papers were collected, Aizawa told everyone not to get too excited because they still had to do the practical.

    "Hey, Killua!" Gon came over to him. "How was the exam? Was it easy for you?"

    "Um... yeah. It was okay." Killua replied.

    "I think I did a pretty good job! If it weren't for Yaoyorozu, Iida, and Mr. Aizawa, I probably would've failed even though this was a modified version..." Gon awkwardly smiled.

    "Yeah," Killua stood up. "Let's go now." They started to walk out of the room.

    "Wait a second!" Midoriya ran after them. "Can I, um... walk with you guys?" The boy just wanted to spend more time with the hunters.

    "N—" Killua was about to answer, but Gon cut him off.

    "Of course, you can." He kindly grinned and Midoriya smiled back.

    As the three of them were walking home, the journey was silent for a while. Neither one knew what to say to the other.

    Oh, gosh... This is more uncomfortable than I had planned... Midoriya thought. Why can't I say anything? He glanced over at Killua and Gon to see them sort of whispering to each other. Am I the one who's making it this awkward?

    He didn't know what they could talk about even though he hung out with them in the past week. He learned that Killua was just a normal guy... well, maybe for now. He still seemed suspicious to Midoriya. Hm.. what should I talk about? Heroes...? Ah! That's the answer!

    Midoriya finally felt confident enough to speak, but when he was about to say something, Gon suddenly turned towards him and asked, "Deku! Do you think that cheese is better than butter?!"

    "H-Huh?" That was an unexpected question. "Why do you need to know?"

    "Killua thinks that cheese is better than butter, but I absolutely disagree!" The hunter crossed his arms and knitted his eyebrows.

    So that's what they were whispering about?

    "Idiot," Killua said. "Who in the world eats butter without spreading it on something first? You're just weird."

    "No way!" Gon kept denying it. "So, what do you think, Deku?"

    "Um... well, I guess I agree with Killua..." Midoriya answered softly. "Because butter is too weird by itself! I mean, cheese is actually kind of the same thing, but let's just say that it tastes better!" He quickly added on.

    "I told you." Killua stuck out his tongue.

    "Whatever! It's my opinion!" Gon looked to his side, staring at the readers watching him. "You agree with me, right...?"

    Suddenly, Midoriya felt a chill go up his spine. He stopped in his tracks and looked behind himself. What was that?

    "Deku?" Gon stopped, too. "Why'd you suddenly stop walking?"

    "I just felt something... strange, I guess. It's nothing!" He shook his hands. "Anyway, we actually reached my house, now." Midoriya pointed to a house down the street. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" He waved and ran towards it.

    "Ok!" Gon waved back.

    "Ugh, finally." Killua sighed.

    "What is that supposed to mean?" The other boy asked him.

    "It was way too awkward around him."

    "Well, maybe you should've started a conversation or something."

    "Me? Like I'd ever do that." The hunters continued walking on their own.

    "That's true... Oh, just forget about it. Let's race back to Mr. Aizawa's house!" Gon exclaimed.

    "Too tiring."

    "Aww... come on, Killua!"

    "What will I get out of it?" Killua had on a mischievous grin.

    "Hm... nothing!" Gon grinned back. "You'll just lose!" He started running down the street, leaving his friend behind.

    "Hey!" Killua chased after him. "You can't do that!"

    As they were running, that feeling that Midoriya felt just before he left ran down their spines, too, but the boys didn't think anything of it. They shrugged it off and continued racing, thinking that maybe it was just the wind.


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