- Training -

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    Gon huffed. "Would you like to do ten times that amount?" He batted his eyes at his white haired friend.

    "Maybe you should" Killua told him. "You started this anyway"

    "Maybe you should! I bet you can't do it, that's why"

    "Alright, bet! I'll do more than you!"

    "No, I'll do more than you!"

    "I thought you didn't want to do so many!"

    "W-Well, I changed my mind!"

    Aizawa's ears were in need of silence.

    It was only the first day of training, so he didn't expect Killua and Gon to get so competitive right off the bat. He had only explained that they would be doing quirk assessments, which were done by Class A on their first day at U.A., but it turned into a shouting contest instead.

    What were the two hunters bickering so much about?

    They made a bet to see who would get the highest scores on these assessments, and the loser would have to do as many push-ups as the winner tells them to, but for some reason, they just couldn't agree on an amount.

    To be honest, Aizawa did think that it was a bit entertaining seeing them get so worked up, but he had to stop it before it became too much to handle. He slowly walked up to Killua and Gon. Then he put his foot underneath theirs to make them trip.

    "Huh—" Gon suddenly felt himself trip and fall onto the ground.

    "Ha, baka!" Killua stuck out his tongue before realizing that he was falling, too.

    "Alright, you two can stop now," Aizawa told them. "Save your push-ups for later. We're moving on, and if you don't stop, I'll make both of you do them until the sun sets"

    "Yes, sir!" Gon immediately replied while Killua just groaned.

    Aizawa let them go and reached for a device in his bag. He took it out and set up a hologram of numbers. "These are the scores of your classmates from when they did these tests on their first day at U.A. I don't expect very high numbers considering your age and your inexperience, so all I want you to do is try your best. But don't forget, use your quirk to its best advantage. Just because you two are younger doesn't mean that I will go easier on you"

    "Don't worry about me, Mr. Aizawa!" Gon stood confidently. "I'll definitely try my best and beat Killua!"

    "Not if I beat you first!" Killua argued. Then he turned back to face his teacher. "You said that the first test was a race, right?"

    Aizawa nodded.

    "Perfect..." Killua smirked. "You're so gonna lose"

    They both glared at each other for a moment before heading to the starting line for the dash. It took them a second to figure out how their nen would become useful in this situation.

    Once the scoring system counted down to zero, they both sprinted across the field.

    Killua powered up with his electricity, which was something that he just put together, while Gon kept with his normal speed. He couldn't think of something to do with his nen fast enough since it was just a power up.

    "1.76 seconds!"

    "2.24 seconds!"

    The system calculated that Killua finished the dash just a few moments before Gon.

[DISCONTINUED] Huh? Another Universe?! - MHA x HxH CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now