Table of Contents

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Hello, and welcome to Sanders Sides, Sanders Sides, and even more Sanders Sides!

I'm too lazy to post fics separately on Wattpad, bc that means making so. many. covers. But never fear! Below are the titles and descriptions of all the fics in this, so that you can figure out which of these one-shots you might like to read!

You can also easily see both the titles and the ship (if any) listed in the titles of each part as you go along. Plus, the description, ship, and content warnings will be listed before each fic! That way if you want to pick and choose what you read, it's nice an' easy :p I know how it be as a reader xD


1. a moment of relief (2.2k words): Logan experiences burnout whilst hyperfocusing. Janus provides care and snuggles.

2. take my heart clean apart (4.8k words): For Patton, heartsickness is a very literal phrase. Unexpected help comes in the form of Remus.

3. Liar, Liar (2.4k words): As a child, Deceit was not the cool, collected liar he is today. Also, the split of Creativity.

4. Motherfluffer (4.2k words): A bullet fic about Janus' hair, because this is one of the important things in life obviously.

5. only get better (4.6k words): Virgil has dermatillomania and picks at his skin. His boyfriend Patton discovers this fact.

6. Partners in Pranks (2.1k words): Janus and Patton become involved in a prank war that goes too far (or is it just far enough?).

7. fly away with me (1.7k words): Life isn't a fairytale. Roman knows this. But, as his best friend Janus helps him realize, maybe that's not so bad.

8. Aromantic at Heart (2k words): Remus comes out to Roman, prompting some self-revelations on Roman's part, too.






I promise that author's notes will never be even close to as long as this again, but I just want to go over general housekeeping, what I will/won't write, requests, etc real fast, and then I promise I'll shut up.

First of all, please be kind to each other in comments, etc. I'm sure that we all have very differing views on things both within fandom spaces and out in the world, but I want this to be a safe space! Pls try to be nice to me too :< I have icky mushy feeeelings too...unfortunately. xD

If anyone has any requests for ships, concepts, AUs, or whatever that you'd like to see me write, be sure to let me know via comments or DMs or something! Probably the best way to contact me is by sending me an ask over on my Tumblr, because I don't check Wattpad every day. You can find my Tumblr (and some other nifty stuff!) linked in the linktree on my profile.

I write basically all ships (pairs, polyam, romantic, platonic, queerplatonic, familial, whatever), and all sorts of AUs (and ofc canonverse too lol), and also diverse sides (orientations, genders, religions, races, etc). I like to mix things up a lot, because representation matters, and it helps me learn how to better write more three-dimensional characters. If you ever have any tips or suggestions about writing certain things, characters, identities, etc, I'm always happy to listen and learn!

I do NOT write smut or particularly explicit things like graphic violence, but I will be sure to list any potential triggers or squicks before each fic. I also do NOT write inc3st (like R3mR0m), p3dophilia, or any of that stuff. I generally like to stay away from more adult-y or suggestive themes, but I am still an adult (I'm twenty!), and as such they may be alluded to on occasion (I'll always warn beforehand tho!).

I want to be very transparent about things like this, because knowing when to read and when to keep scrolling is very important in curating one's own fandom experience. If my being an adult makes you uncomfy, or if any of the topics or ships or whatevers in this don't sit right with you, it is 100% okay to block or keep on scrolling past--in fact, I'd rather that you just move on without reading and continue to have a lovely day! Stay safe out there, luvvies! ^^

One final disclaimer: I am not in any way associated with Thomas Sanders or Sanders Sides. I came up with the plots for these, I wrote the stories, and I created the cover. Do not copy or repost any of these fics (or the cover) to other websites or other places.

Aaannnnnnd away we go! Onwards! I hope y'all enjoy! <3

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