3. Liar, Liar (DLAMPR)

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Janus wasn't always as cool and collected a liar as he is now. Also, the split of Creativity, because why not.


Pairing(s): familial DLAMPR

Content Warning(s): fire (nobody gets hurt tho), strong language...boi (that's a joke they're kids there's not rly strong language beyond anx saying "dang it" too much for pat's liking), lmk if I should tag anything else!


"MORALITY!" Creativity shrieks, racing into the living room and colliding at top speed into said side.

With a loud "oomph!", Morality reaches out to enclose a seven-year-old Creativity in his arms, rocking the other side reassuringly. "Wh-what's wrong, Creativity?" he struggles to pant through having his breath completely knocked out of him.

"D-Deceit's being meeean to me again!" Creativity whines into Morality's shirt.

Morality looks accusingly up at Deceit, who stands faux-innocently in the doorway.

Deceit shrugs. "No I'm not," he defends himself. "I'm just telling the truth. Creativity is a big, weird, whiny baby. It's a fact." He points at Logic smugly. "Ask Logic. He'll tell you."

Cuddled up in his corner, Logic looks up from some fourth grade science textbook that he probably already knows cover to cover. "Please do not bring me into this little tiff of yours," he says imperiously. After a moment, the facade melts, and he brightens. "Didja like that word? 'Tiff'? It was the word of the day in Language Arts today, not that any of you were paying attention. It means—"

"Oh, shut up, nerd," Deceit and Creativity chorus and well, at least there's something they can agree on, Morality supposes.

Disappointed, Logic's face sinks into a pout. "Fine." His lip wobbles dangerously. "I can see when I'm not needed."

And with that, Logic sinks down, presumably off to go bother Anxiety instead.

Morality knows that he should really go after Logic and reassure him that no, he really is needed, and they all really do love him. But with Logic no longer in the living room causing a distraction, Creativity and Deceit start to go off at each other again.

"You're a booger head," Deceit hisses, triumphant. "Logan's the stinky poo-poo side, and you're the booger side, you...you lame person."

"No! I'm not a booger!" Creativity protests, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. "J-just 'cos I thought it was a kinda dance that one time d-doesn't make me the—the—"

Morality tries to gather Creativity back up in his arms, but Creativity pulls away from him, stubbornly glaring at Deceit even as tears start to pour down his trembling cheeks.

Deceit laughs, pointing a finger at Creativity. "And now you're a crybaby! So you're the crybaby side too?"

"H-hey, Dee, you really need to st—" But Morality's pathetic attempt at crowd control is drowned out by a rapidly crescendoing siren.

Creativity is now openly wailing, his feet planted and his head tilted to the ceiling and his mouth gaping wide, and oh, dear, that's never good.

Whenever Creativity starts to cry, it's a toss-up as to whether he'll hide in his room for a week or rampage through the entire mindscape destroying things. There's not really an in-between, and there's no way to tell which he'll do each time.

"You're—you're a liar! You're nothing but a liar!" Creativity asserts, his voice panicky and patchy and tremulous. He points a shaking finger at Deceit in return, trying to laugh at him, but the result is rather pitiful. "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

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