Gunpowder & Lead

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A/N: I will be creating POV breaks from this chapter forward. The story is no longer just from Vic's POV, but others as well. Also, "Varg" means wolf in Swedish. 

 If one were to look into the future of an alternate timeline, say about twenty years or so, they'd see statues of five girls. They'd see those same girls, now women, being exalted as though they were queens. They'd see laughter, joy, and easy life. Parades honouring good deeds will be held. That future is still possible. But in this timeline, the chances have become exceedingly rare. And all because of one war that was waged too soon.

The druids wore bronze armour, cloaks forgotten. Well, mostly. Avalon still wore his, must to Evergrey's chagrin. Meanwhile, the Soul Riders wore everyday clothing. There were to be no sword fights or daggers for each girl. They relied on their magic. The army stood at the entrance to a barren, frozen wasteland known as Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur, though most just called it, Dino. Vic and Mist River stood at the lead. She gulped, unsure if she was ready. Not like it mattered. Avalon would still force her onwards. She could hear him now. "You are the Chosen One. You must lead us. This is your destiny." Vic rolled her eyes lightly. Today would be the end of everything the Soul Riders have ever known.

The end of all of this was near. Vic felt it in her blood. The druids could feel it on the wind. And somewhere, deep in the cold of Dino, and past the mortal world, everyone knew it too. She didn't necessarily believe she would die. No, she felt like a big shift would happen on this day.

But before Vic could think about it further, Avalon walked to the front and stood beside her. "All right, we're ready. And Vic? You'll do fine."

She laughed bitterly. "You know what would make this day better, and totally freak Dark Core out?" She grinned madly. "If we rode up on polar bears covered in blood."

A loud snort erupted from Evergrey, but it still didn't mask Avalon's bemusement. "You spend entirely too much time around bad influences. Both of whom shall stay unnamed." It didn't take a genius to figure out he meant Alex and Evergrey. However, Avalon grumbled lightly before motioning for Vic to lead on.


It is a well-documented fact that Dino is in the high north. It is also extremely cold. In fact, the land itself is so desolate and uncomfortable, the only person known to live there willingly was known as the Ice Witch. Sure, there was Nic, the explorer who crash-landed there, but he doesn't count. There were also the Kallters, the indigenous peoples of Dino, but they retreated into the Icengate months ago.

Of course, now that Vic thought about it, she'd never seen the Ice Witch. Only her cave, which held mighty ice stalagmites over the cave's entrance, as if though they were prison bars. It wouldn't surprise her if they were. Dino itself was a cruel, wintry place, befit for any prison. And yet, here Vic was, march, nay, leading an entire army across the ice, and past the witch's cave/prison.

No, she was doing more than leading them. She was commanding them. Maybe not fearlessly, or as half as cooly as she'd have liked. It was situations like these that made Vic question why she even bothered. Because to her right, Linda was shivering violently. Behind her, several druids were huddled together. It was then that Vic realized she would have to bring everyone to a stop.

Slowly, Vic stopped Mist's steady pace and raised her hand to signal the druids to cease. Her actions only agitated Avalon more. "Child, what are you doing?"

"I want those of you, especially Linda, that are cold to warm up. Since Anne and I are the only ones not bothered by the cold, we'll ride ahead to scout. Alex, some form of warmth would be greatly appreciated. Avalon, stay here and keep watch. I won't have anyone collapse before the battle." She silently dared Avalon to argue with her, but nothing came from him. Behind Avalon stood Evergrey who looked proud of Vic for taking charge, and Rhiannon, who looked almost amused at the defiance against Avalon.

Vic nodded curtly and kicked Mist into a canter, Anne following closely, the latter astride a rented gelding while Concorde followed.


From a hill stood a white-haired woman, with Darko a few steps behind her. She watched as Vic and Anne rode out into the tundra. Both figures stayed silent for a few minutes. Finally, Darko spoke. "So Katja, what do you think of her?"

Katja laughed lightly and replied in a soft Swedish accent. "We've met before. She is like a wolf."

Darko took on a surprised expression. "You've met before?"

"Yes. She and I raced against each other once. It was a deal, one in which I had to uphold my end. Vic won, and I told them about Anne." She narrowed her eyes in thought. "My varg. My fierce little varg..." Katja murmured to herself.

Darko grinned lightly, delighted by Katja's response. "Careful Kat. Vic seems to have caught the attention of Ydris as well. He calls her 'dove' and 'ma cherié', both of which are his brandings on her."

"Ydris? The magician?" She let out a sharp growl of annoyance. "Please tell me that nuisance of a man is not going to be involved in any of this!"

"No, my sweet shark. I don't think he will be." His face darkened. "Not if I have anything to do with it. I take it that you don't object to Vic joining us though?"

Katja huffed lightly, still watching Vic's retreating form. "Of course I don't. If only you could successfully convince her to join."

Darko clenched his jaw in thought and surveyed the group of druids and two remaining Soul Riders. He gleefully noted the absence of Fripp, who must still be in a comatose state. The man smirked at Katja, two ideas in mind. "Do you remember James?"

The woman's eyes darkened at the name. "If you're suggesting I kidnap Vic, or someone close to her, then you are sorely mistaken." Her voice lowered dangerously.

"I can always get Sabine to do it." Darko knew how to pull the right strings and push in sensitive areas, only so he could get the answer he was looking for.

Katja's last nerve broke and she turned on Darko, seething. "That brat will not touch Victoria. Not as long as I live."

"Good. So you'll convince our fierce, stubborn, warrior to join us. And unlike me, you won't fail." He smiled devilishly at the Dark Rider.

"Why me though."

"Because Jessica hasn't met Vic yet. Little Toria," he smirked at the nickname for Vic. "has actually met you and Sabine. She's faced Sabine down enough times to develop a strong dislike for her. But you have only spoken once. And that one time, you were courteous and gave Vic what she wanted. Oh sure, you crossed paths when she freed Justin, but that's it. Besides, I know you Katja. You have an interest in Vic. Don't try denying it." Darko turned away from the hostile woman. He mounted his stallion and rose off, heading back to the base.

Katja sat on a rock. Remarkable... she thought. My varg is cold-resistant, unlike her companions. She seems to have no problem, and she's only in a blue hoodie. The woman continued to watch what she believed to be Vic. the trees truly did provide shelter from prying eyes. But the elevated hill lets people watch the movements of others in secret.

She supposed Darko was correct. The woman couldn't help but be intrigued by the spitfire chosen one. Fine Darko. When we come up against the Keepers and the Soul Riders, I'll convince Vic to join us. She thought bitterly.

Katja mounted her horse gracefully. Before she left, she looked back in Vic's direction. A cold, predatory look overcame her. "Soon, my little varg, you'll be mine," She promised to herself and the wind. The Dark Rider pushed her horse into a run and rode back to Dark Core to prepare for battle. 

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