Lonely Dance

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The nobles of Jorvik all amassed on the dance floor of the king's castle. Lords and Ladies alike took hold of a dancing partner. Just as Vic was about to find Gunnar, Lorenson tapped her shoulder lightly. She spun to face him and craned her neck up to see his face. He appeared almost sheepish but still smiled warmly. "Lady Victoria, I was wondering if you'd do me the honour of giving me this dance?"

She took a deep breath before answering. At this point in Vic's life with the nobility of Jorvik, she had just assumed that dancing with Gunnar was the default during balls. Maybe everyone expected her to or maybe she expected it. One thing was for certain, Vic would be lying if she told herself that she was disappointed about not sharing the first dance of the night with Gunnar. Of course, Vic couldn't turn down Lorenson even if she wanted to. Mainly because he was such good company and a dear friend. "Of course, I will."

The pair made their way to the floor as the musician struck up a familiar chord. The music started out with violins and a cello creating a low, haunting sound. A bow and a curtsy were performed before everyone was off. Lorenson placed a hand on Vic's waist, his other holding her hand delicately. He began leading Vic around in a circle as the entire congregation all formed a circle where they weaved in and out, barely leaving the room for someone to walk through without getting hit or having to swerve. But the style worked, and the dancers all moved about with practiced ease. The dance started out slow, just like the music. Vic's skirts twirled and shifted quickly as she spun and moved about. Finally, the music picked up tempo and Lorenson followed pace. Bells chimed lightly, painting the picture of an old forest in a fog with a lazy fall of rain. The movements were graceful and fluid, the dancers seeming no longer human or mortal.

Just as Vic was about to spin out, she locked eyes with Gunnar who stood by a lone bannister. Lorenson twirled Vic outwards and she elegantly stretched her hand towards Gunnar. His eyes flicked downwards briefly before he reached out to brush her hand. Just as the two were about to make contact, the music swelled and Lorenson pulled Vic back into his arms. She was whisked away to the other side of the room where the dance ended just as quickly as it began in a sharp cadence.

Vic curtsied to Lorenson before hurrying outside and into the garden. The crisp air slid over her welcomingly, clearing her head and cooling her sweaty skin. When she had been pulled away, the expressionless mask that Gunnar usually wore while in the presence of other members of higher society, had dropped and it looked, even if for a fraction of a second, as if though his heart had broke. It was a strange thing to see upon the Count, considering he was always stoic and serious during social gatherings. Maybe the lighting played a trick, or maybe Vic simply imagined it.

But, if that was the case, then why was he stalking towards her? Gunnar moved by other guests, his eyes set on Vic. He seemed so much different than when she met him, but then again, no noble of Jorvik seemed to give Gunnar the time of day. Only the Jarl, Lorenson and Vic did. Even though she knew the legends of Gunnar from her timeline, and what he'd been thought of, she still couldn't understand why it was this way.

"Victoria, we haven't had the chance to talk this evening." He looked down at her solemnly. There was no trace of Gunnar's usual lopsided smile or teasing nature that was often present around or directed to Vic. The absence of that sent a chill down Vic's spine.

"No, I suppose we haven't. Is that a problem?" her voice wavered slightly and she cursed herself slightly. Gunnar was her friend, so why was she nervous? Maybe it was because he appeared almost disappointed in Vic, and made her feel like a scolded puppy who was being dragged away from fun by the scruff of her neck.

"No, not necessarily." Not necessarily? What is the name of Aideen did that mean? That it was a problem, but not a big one? Gunnar was infuriating and his shadiness was not helping calm Vic's nerves. "Have fun with Lorenson?"

"Yes. He's a good dancer. Did you have fun doing whatever you were doing?"

Gunnar looked at Vic from his peripheral vision as he turned to walk down into the garden. Vic followed him, her strides quick in order to keep up. "I had the misfortune—" He began but was cut off by Vic hissing his name. "Sorry. I had the opportunity," Gunnar amended. "of speaking with Queen Siggy. She was in a dreadful state."

"Oh? And what did she have to say?" Things were getting bizarre now. Vic played with her hands as she and Gunnar walked further into the garden.

"Her daughter was seen in the kitchen with a servant boy." He looked Vic straight in the eye. "Taking certain liberties with him." He drawled out.

Vic paled as she realized what that meant. A scandal that big, especially during a period of religious, political, and social tension, would destroy the people's faith in the Jarl. It would give the opposition the opening they needed to start a rebellion. Oh, Vic was going to kill Darko for making her take him, herself, and Katja to this point in history. "Why are you telling me this?'

Gunnar looked around the gardens to make sure no one would overhear. "This scandal will get out if the servants have anything to do with it. Remember, I mentioned that everyone of nobility would have to pick a side soon? Well, that time is now, and I need to know where you stand in all of this."

Her heart stopped. "Where I stand?" He nodded. Vic huffed and thought for a few moments. She was going to be a part of history now. A deadly history where there were wars and executions. Old families warring against each other. The history lessons made everything seem grander and more entertaining than it appeared to be. Now, she had to choose between the Jarl and the soon-to-be rebels. Well, Vic figured she was damned if she didn't. Still, she didn't think either decision was a good one. Finally, she sighed and gave her answer. "I'm going to stay behind Jon for this."

Gunnar's eyes narrowed and he nodded once. "Good. you know what this means now, right?" Vic shook her head. "The Jarl will take on everyone he can as a soldier. You will be conscripted to be one of our army's Shield Maidens."

"But I'm a noble!" She squeaked out. Nobles were not Shield Maidens, especially not in the history of Jorvik. All right, no, she was not an actual noble. She was a Soul Rider, which meant that yes, she could fight someone in a physical manner. Vic was more than capable, but still, she wasn't prepared to become a warrior so soon in the 13th century.

"Do you think anyone really cares about that? You will become a Shield Maiden because your Jarl and King will command it."

Vic's jaw clenched and she fell into a stony silence. "Fine," she ground out. As she went to walk away, Gunnar stopped her.

"There's more." What more could there possibly be? "I know you're friends with Lorenson, but he is on the opposing side. He is a threat from here on out."

"Gunnar, Lorenson is not a threat to me. He would never hurt me or you for that matter."

Gunnar stalked forwards, looking down at Vic. "Yes, he is. Victoria, that man is a warrior. His forefathers were Vikings."

She paled again and a slew of curses left her mouth. Gunnar looked at her in surprise. "So, if I go to war—"

"When," he corrected nonchalantly, almost as if this was a regular occurrence in conversations between the two.

"When I go to war, I'll have to fight against a Viking?" Gunnar nodded which caused Vic to groan. "Aideen, strike me down where I stand!"

Gunnar chuckled and patted her shoulder lightly. Although his mirth left as quickly as it came. The Count looked at Vic solemnly and he cleared his throat. "There is one last matter at hand."

Vic's stomach leapt into her heart as she realized what Gunnar could be alluding to. Slowly she nodded for him to continue. He took a hand in his and smiled slightly. "Victoria Nilsen, you have been my friend for two months now, and for that, I couldn't be more grateful. You are a light in this dark web of political treachery, and I believe it's only natural that we take the next step." He lowered to one knee. "Be my wife?"

She heard another song start up, the faint chords of a slow, mournful melody, trickling out to her spot in the garden. Vic looked down at Gunnar, her head light and breath hitched. The adagio melody from the distant ballroom made a swift crescendo turning into a lower, sadder note at the end. She closed her eyes and took a calming breath. The piano picked up pace as the violins began a haunting tone. As the blood rushed in her ears, Vic answered with a soft, hoarse, yet certain "Yes." The waltz song ended abruptly, casting a deafening silence through the garden and plot of land of Marchenghast castle. 

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