Not a Real Chapter and an Update

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Unfortunately, due to unforeseen problems in my life, I haven't been able to continue writing this story. And I'm afraid I have to abandon this story, despite saying otherwise in one of my author's notes. 

However, I do know how this was supposed to end. And I think it's only fair that I tell you the ending. In the last chapter I posted, "Lonely Dance" involved Gunnar aka Galloper Thompson to Victoria, and she accepted. 

From there, I had planned for Victoria and Gunnar to get married and for Lorenson to start training Victoria. Then, Victoria was going to be called in by Queen Siggy who was going to confide in Victoria and convince her to help her overthrow Jon Jarl. Victoria was going to agree to work with her, but before they would be able to do so, Jon would find out and would have Victoria and Siggy arrested. The two of them would be thrown in the dungeons, awaiting their trials. Galloper would then enlist the help of Lorenson and Darko, breaking Victoria out. Siggy however would refuse to leave with them and they would leave. 

I planned for Victoria to flee with Lorenson, Darko, and Katja to live with the rebels who are against Jon, and from there, she'd start training some more before being given a legion of her own. Finally, a giant battle would ensure where Victoria would meet with Jon in the field, and he'd attempt to kill her. As the battle ends, Galloper would be accused of withcraft by an unnamed soldier from Lorenson's regiment because he's still standing despite being hit fatally with a sword several times. 

That would then lead into Galloper explaining to a now furious Jon Jarl that he was cursed by a witch with immortality. Jon would then demand that Galloper find the witch and ask her to bestow him with immortality. From there, Galloper would be accused of treason when Jon Jarl went to go meet the witch at Jorvik Stables and nearly died. 

After that incident happens, Galloper is arrested and beheaded for treason, but his body rises upwards and curses several people. Victoria runs back their house, Darko and Katja following her.

They arrive back in the present time where Ydris and Anne have set out a trap to get Victoria back. I planned to make their plan backfire, causing Lisa and Alex's horses to get injured. Because of that, Avalon would hunt down Victoria, knock her out, and she'd wake up in a prison.

Of course, Evergray would know nothing about this, so he'd find out on accident after breaking into Avalon's house. He'd try to get Victoria free, and while he does that, Fripp would order that an OC druid does whatever he can to get Victoria to speak. 

So, I had planned for Victoria to be tortured, and one person would threaten to hurt Mist River if she didn't talk. Linda would then sit down outside of Victoria's cell and they'd talk. She'd convince Victoria to talk, and make a deal with Avalon that Victoria would be set free if she gave him the needed information. 

Finally, after being set free, I planned for Victoria to face off against Darko one last time. In a really tense moment, where her breath is ragged and she's covered in blood, Victoria would launch herself at Darko and kill him. 

The epilogue would then follow that moment and would be set a year after the events take place, and would show the Keepers of Aideen recovering along with the rest of Jorvik, and would be really serene and calm. 

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