Chapter 25

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Annie's pov:

I ran
I didn't know where i was going but i ran as fast as i could
It started pouring
I didn't know where to go
I definitely wasn't going home and i wasn't going to stay at the school
As i ran and cried i remembered that i have my own shack
I can go there until school is over
the only thing is, it's at my parents house so i would have to be really lowkey
I ran to their house and went around back immediately
I opened the shack door and saw someone i'd thought i'd never seen again

Hayley Leblanc- HL

HL: Annie?!
A: Hayley??!
HL: Annie What the heck are you doing here?! *hugs her really tight*
A: I needed a place to get away, what are you doing here?! aren't you supposed to be in school
HL: uh.. i could ask you the same thing...
A: right..
HL: Why are you crying?! what happened??

I stayed quiet

HL: Annie?
A: i got cheated on..

We sat down

A: Hayley shhh! This place isn't sound proof..
HL: was it Asher?!
A: me and him are over.. completely and we have been for a while
HL: So you had a boyfriend and he cheated on you?!
A: *cries*
HL: I'm sorry ann's *hugs her* when did you find out?
A: Just now.. the worst part is he said he would never do anything like this and here we are...
HL: Okay, i'm going to need his name and Address
A: Hayley no.. it's not worth it *cries*
HL: Annie stop crying, your worth more than you think and if your going to let him cheat and get away with it then you need to learn a lot more about relationships before getting into another one
A: well what am i supposed to do.. *cries*
HL: your going to go up to him and give him a piece of your mind
A: Hayley i can't-
HL: yes you can! and you will!! let's go
A: now?!
HL: yes Annie
A: Hayley you're supposed to be in school
HL: and so are you
A: *sighs*
HL: let's go

We snuck around the house and made our way to my school
it wasn't raining as hard anymore
As we were walking we saw a car speed by
i know that car..
That's Hayden's Car...
He noticed us and turned around

HL: is that him?!
A: yes...
HL: so he's rich?!
A: basically.. can you tell me how to do this?.. please...
HL: just let your body take control
A: are you sure?
HL: yes
A: okay..

He pulled up to us in his car and got out
He ran up to me

HL: and he's cute?! *whispers*
H: Baby i swear it wasn't what it-
A: *slaps him*

he looked at me shocked and so did Hayley
He put his hand where i slapped him

A: I'm done with you! I want nothing to do with you, i hate you so much!!
H: babe she kissed me i swear..
A: We have gone through this one too many times Hayden! I'm sick of it, you can forget about everything!! About me, about us and the future we planned, All of it!!

He grabbed my arms and kissed me
I pushed him off

H: that's what a kiss looks like when i want it!! She told me that she had a surprise for me after she dragged me to the back of the school and trust me i tried to get out of her grip but she had the grip of a gorilla!!
HL: *laughs a little*

Hayden looked at Hayley then at me again

H: that's her isn't it... that's Hayley..
HL: Yeah and i'm standing right here dummy
H: oh my gosh.. i'm so sorry i didn't notice sooner, you guys look so much alike
HL: yeah well me and you are not on good terms right now so don't try to act friendly with me
H: *sighs* can we talk about it please?? i'll tell you the whole story but i swear it's not my fault and i didn't kiss her
A: From what i saw, you were sucking her face off
H: Babe that's not how it went!!
HL: i'm going to be soaking wet by the time you tell the story.
H: Okay let's get in the car and i'll explain
A: No Hayden! I'm done with you-

i looked at him shocked
He only yells when he's extremely angry and that's never often

H: did you even want to be with me from the beginning?
A: Hayden of course i did!
H: So then what the hell! i'm not letting you go anywhere until i tell my side of the story because unlike you, i don't want to end this relationship!! I love you Annie.. I love you and only you and that's never going to change!..
HL: awe...

I looked at Hayley while tears poured out of my eyes

HL: sorry..

Hayden wiped my tears away

H: Baby i am so sorry that this is happening but i promise that kiss meant nothing to me! She kissed me out of nowhere, i didn't think she would..

I continued to cry

H: i was sitting in my car and she got in because my door was unlocked.. when she got in i automatically questioned what she wanted and she told me she wanted to show me something. At first i wasn't going to go but she didn't give me a choice! She dragged me to the back of the school and convinced me that she wasn't going to do anything.. then she told me to close my eyes and i was a bit hesitant but she got me to close me.. then i guess she waited until the right time and kissed me
I pushed her off but from where you were and the timing, it didn't look like that.... Babe i am so sorry, i want us to be together.. i really do, i wanna spend the rest of my life with you
A: how do i know it's the truth
H: babe i would never lie to you, ever.. no matter what.. you know this.. we can ask for the security footage if you want
A: no, i have a better idea
H: what is it?
A: Hayley, we're dropping you off at school
HL: What?!
H: okay..

We drove to her school

HL: i'm not going.
A: yes you are! or i'll tell mom and dad that you skipped
HL: you wouldn't-
A: i would!
HL: *sighs* fine, bye

She got out the car and went into the school

H: look, now that she's out of the car i really really am truly sorry and i don't want us to break up
A: go to the school.

He sighed and drove to the school
he parked in the parking lot

A: how many times have you guys hooked up hayden..
H: Annie we've never hooked up! i swear, you can go through my phone if u need to but i-
A: give it to me
H: what?..
A: Give me your phone Hayden!!

He handed his phone to me and i went through it

Hayden's pov:

I sat there staring at her while she looked through my phone
i knew she wasn't going to find anything because i don't even have Nadia's number
After a short period of time she handed my phone back to me

A: call her
H: Annie i don't have her number
A: go get her, i wanna talk to her
H: babe..
A: i'm serious.
H: okay..

i got out of the car and went into the school
I looked around for Nadia
i found her in the cafeteria

Nadia: hey pretty boy, you back for more?
H: uh.. actually i need to talk to you
Nadia: ouuu okay *smirks*

We walked out of the school and up to my car but Annie wasn't there

Nadia: so are we going to have another quickie in your car?
H: Another?
Nadia: Yeah or do you just wanna-

I watched as Annie came out of nowhere and attacked Nadia

To be continued...

Hope you guys enjoyed
until next time

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