Chapter 27

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Hayden's pov:

it took me a couple seconds but i realized that it was Nadia

H: how did you do it..
Nadia: i have my ways, are you free right now? we should get together
H: no Nadia, you got what you wanted! we broke up now please, i'm begging you... leave me alone

I hung up and cried
i'm a fuck up and i always will be
why is this happening to me
what did i do to deserve this
I treated her better than anyone she's been with so what am i doing wrong...
i cried more
I tried calling her but she wasn't answering
i called Kenzie
She picked up

K: hello?
H: Kenzie *cries*
K: woah, what's wrong? are you crying??
H: she broke up with me and i don't know what to do
K: oh my.. you wanna come over?..
H: yeah..
K: okay well you know where i live and i'm leaving the door open for you
H: okay i'll be there in a bit *sniffs*
K: okay
H: Kenz...
K: yes?
H: thank you..
K: yeah.. no problem

I hung up and grabbed my stuff
I drove to Kenzie's house and walked in

K: hey
H: hey..

I sat down close to her

K: So what happened?..
H: Annie thinks i cheated on her
K: what did you do to make her think that?
H: I didn't do anything... there was a contact on my phone as my love with like a heart i think
K: do you know who it is?
H: It's Nadia but i don't know how she did it, i never gave her my phone or anything
K: maybe she logged into your icloud

I sat there and thought about it

H: Maybe your right..
K: so then go tell Annie!
H: she told me she wanted nothing to do with me

she looked at me
I looked her in the eyes

K: i-i can tell her to come over..
H: she's not going to come because i'm here
K: i won't tell her your here
H: okay...

She started leaning in
i got scared
What do i do...

H: Make out!.. *covers his mouth*
K: What?!

i moved back

K: your so dumb. did you think i was going to kiss you?!
H: what?!
K: there was something on your face you idiot, your really paranoid

She took it off

H: it's not my fault, everyone seems to want me now these days
K: you're such a dork, i'm going to call Annie now
H: okay

She called Annie
A couple seconds later she hung up

K: she's on her way
H: okay.. until then what do we do
K: Make out
H: Kenz..
K: *laughs* i'm sorry it was just too funny

I rolled my eyes
We watched tv as Kenzie calmed me down
a couple minutes later Annie came
Kenzie let her in and they walked over
She looked at me and stopped walking

A: Kenzie seriously?
K: you guys need to work it out Annie! He didn't cheat on you, we think he got hacked my Nadia
A: how do you know that?
H: because i didn't put that contact in my phone Annie...
A: how can i trust you?
H: because you mean everything to me.. more than my own life and i don't want to lose you..
A: I don't want to lose you either but this is getting ridiculous.. If there's always going to be problems with other girls then i don't want to be a part of this

I couldn't hold it anymore
Lot's of tears released after holding them back for so long

A: Maybe if you would stop talking to other gi-
H: They talk to me Annie! I cant do anything about it, why are you acting like a jealous bitch all of a sudden?!
A: What the hell did you just call me?
H: you know what, i cant do this... thanks for trying kenzie

I grabbed my stuff and got in my car
I drove off

Annie's pov:

I looked at kenzie
she looked at me shocked

A: i don't know what to do...
K: i get where you were coming from Annie but i believe hayden.. i don't think he put the contact in his phone.. I think Nadia hacked him and did it herself
A: okay but she keeps coming in between our relationship kenz..
K: Yeah and you would handle that if you wanted to be with him
A: Kenzie i thought i did! I ruffled her up a little before Hayden pulled me off of her but it wasn't enough!!
K: try something else Annie! unless you don't your relationship to work out...

i thought about it for a second

A: your right.. and i want this to work, thanks kenz! talk to you later

I ran to my car and drove
I knew what i had to do
It was a long drive but i finally got to my destination
once i did i had to make a call

A: hello?
AA: Annie? what's up?
A: Are you home?
AA: i'm in school, why?
A: i need a favor.. can we meet?
AA: i'm in lunch so uh.. sure....
A: okay, i'm at your house
AA: your at my house?! how do you know where-
A: that's not important, just get here
AA: okay

I hung up and waited
About 5 minutes later i saw him come
He got into my car and stared at me

A: hey Asher..
AA: hi... why did you want to meet?....
A: So i have a problem..
AA: okay?..
A: I need to know if you're single..
AA: Annie.. we haven't talked in several months, you want me now? I still love you a lot, i still want you to be mine but did horrible, unforgivable things and-
A: Asher... I wasn't asking for me, i was asking for someone else..
AA: oh..
A: i'm sorry Asher, i wanted to see if you wanted to get to know someone from my school.. her name is Nadia
AA: no. Not Nadia. She's crazy and I'm sorry Annie but i can't move on after you..
A: Ash-
AA: *kisses her*

I pulled away

A: Asher... why did you do that...
AA: Annie i'm sorry, i thought maybe if i kissed you it would make u want me again-
A: Asher you should go...
AA: but-
A: please... go

He got out the car and left
I drove back home which took a while
What am i going to do
I cant go home yet
I have to wait 1 more hour
I grabbed my phone and called Hayden
He didn't answer the first 46 times but he did on the 47th call

H: Annie what do you want.
A: You Hayden. I want you!
H: You made it clear that you didn't
A: No Hayden, i was just upset and scared that you would leave me for her... like Asher did...
H: Annie i would never do that and i've told you this a bunch of times, i'm nothing like him!
A: I know and i'm sorry, i want this to work, i want us to work...
H yeah, i do too.. but it never will
A: please Hayden, we can make it work

he went quiet

H: are you sure?
A: yes Hay.. where are you?
H: at the pent house
A: i'll be there in a bit, send me the address
H: okay

I hung up and waited for him to send the location
once he did, i drove straight there
once i got there i knocked on the door
he opened it and i walked in and hugged him

A: i'm really sorry
H: no i am.. we shouldn't have to go through this all the time
A: it's okay, all i care about is being with you

He slowly pulled away from the hug and looked at me weird

A: what's wrong?
H: Annie why do you smell like a guy..

To be continued...

hope you guys enjoyed
until next time

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