The Band is Back!

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Its been 3 weeks since the band has played the Orpheum and Julie saved the guys from Caleb's grasps. Julie can know physically interact with the guys but hasn't told Flynn, "Nick" has been MIA since that night and summer is starting.

Julie POV-

I wake up Friday, June 12th the first day of summer. Its been 3 weeks since we played the Orpheum and the boys are as annoying as ever. Ever since that night i am able to feel them i don't know why but its actually pretty cool. I've been to nervous to tell Flynn but I'm planning on telling her today after we practice. Luke and I have been working on some new songs but nothing were ready to show yet. I can't help but feel the way I do with him, i feel like he gets me in so many ways and i can't help but hope he feels the same way. I get dressed and walk downstairs as I hear my dad and Carlos singing Stand Tall while my dad makes breakfast. He is making blueberry pancakes and bacon when Reggie pops in. "Yummy!" I smile and shake my head " Hey dad i'm gonna go write in the studio for a few hours". My dad nods " Ok honey love you" he says and smiles at me, "Love you too" i say looking back smiling.

I walk out the door and Luke is standing on the porch. "Hey Luke, i'm on the way to the studio." i say lookng at him "Ok ill meet you there" he poofs out and i walk to the studio with my song book in hand. Alex and Reggie are nowhere to be seen as i walk into the studio. " Where are the guys?" i ask looking at Luke. " Probably at the cafe haunting people" he says laughing, i laugh back with him and sit down at the piano and open my song book. "So have you had any ideas for a new song?" i ask Luke who is sitting next to me at the piano. "A few ideas but i'm not sure yet", "OK well ive had a few ideas" i say opening up my song book to Perfect Harmony on accident. Luke looks at the lyrics and i quickly close my book. "oh what was that, it sounded good" he asks. "Umm.... it's nothing just something i was messing around with" i say, " I wanna see!" He says with a huge grin on his face. " um i don't think so its just nothing" i say trying not to blush but before I could stop it he grabs the book and turn to the page. "LUKE give that back!!" he doesn't listen of course and he runs to the couch to read the lyrics. "Luke those lyrics are extremely embarrassing, and private" i say blushing. "No Julie this song is amazing, do you have a melody for the song?" he asks looking at me with those big beautiful brown eyes. "Um... yea i do but are you sure its any good?" i ask nervously. "Julie this song is beautiful and could make an awesome duet, we've been needing another song to sing at the club."

Crap the club i forgot all about that i think to myself. We booked a gig at a club in LA tomorrow and completely forgot about it. "Um OK well lets practice the song then" I say trying to not seem nervous, i wrote this song about Luke weeks ago and even imagined us singing the song when I was in school. I never planned to share it with anyone but now its to late and tons of people are going to hear it. I walk back over to the piano and start playing the melody to Perfect Harmony. Luke starts singing and I join him

<The truth is finally breaking through Two worlds collide when i'm with you Our voices rise and soar so high We come to life when we're in Perfect Harmony>

"Julie that sounded amazing" he says and reaches for my hand but before he has a chance Reggie and Alex Poof in.

*I DO NOT OWN JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS* Ik this chapter was kinda boring but i hope you guys enjoy it i will try to upload another chapter tonight or tomorrow morning

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