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Luke's POV-

After singing with Julie I can't help but reach for her hand but were interrupted by Alex and Reggie popping in. I quickly retract my hand and stand up "Hey where were you guys we just figured out the 2nd song for the club?" Reggie looks at me and then at Julie, "We were at the Café" Alex says looking at me. "Called it," I say looking at Julie, Julie laughs "I have to get going I have to go talk to Flynn," Julie says standing up from the piano. "I'll meet you guys back here to practice more later," she says heading toward the door. I follow her "Julie hold up," I say grabbing her arm outside the studio " Umm." I run my hands through my hair " I just wanted to say I think your song was really good, I'm glad you let me read it". She laughs "I didn't exactly let you read it but I'm glad you like it," she says smiling and I can't help but smile back. "Ok well tell Flynn I said Hi". "I will bye ill see you later," she says starting to walk inside the house.

I walk back inside the studio, Reggie and Alex are sitting on the couch. "So did we interrupt something with you and Julie," Reggie asks and Alex looks at me. "No what are you talking about we were just practicing a song Julie wrote," I say sitting down, "Oh ok," Alex says with sarcasm in his voice. "I'm serious even though I think the song Julie wrote was about us, read it" I hand the song to Alex. As they read it I can't help but think If Julie did write that song about us, If she did does that mean she feels the same way I do? Or was it about someone else? " Wow this song is intense," Alex says. "Yeah, you guys are going to sing this song tomorrow?" Reggie asks. "Yea I don't see why we wouldn't it's a good song, a really good song," I say looking at Reggie. "I agree it's a really good song but its intense, like really intense," Alex says. I roll my eyes "whatever guys, it's a good song, and we're gonna rock it tomorrow." I repeat and pick up my guitar to practice.

Again my mind wanders back to Julie, does she feel the same way I feel? I wonder why Reggie and Alex are so worried it's just a song, it's emotional and deep but it's still just a song, that Julie may or may not have written about us. Ok, now I see why they may be worried.

Julie's POV-
On my over to Flynn's I think about what I'm going to say, telling me best friend that I'm in a band with ghosts was easy but how do I tell her that I can feel them and touch them? She is going to freak especially about Luke. But she is my best friend she might not understand but she's always been supportive. After about 20 minutes of trying to figure out what to say I knock on her door. "Hey!" She says with a smile on her face, "Hey, you busy I need to talk to you" I say as she steps out of the house. "Yea what's up?" "It's kinda private, not something to talk about on your porch" I say trying to hint to her that it's about the guys. "Ok do you want to go to the studio or my room?" "Let's just go to the studio so after we talk you can watch us rehearse" I say trying to not seem nervous. We walk back to my house as Flynn talks about the band and our performance tomorrow. Once we arrive at the studio the guys are gone I don't know where they went. "Ok so what I have to tell you is pretty major and completely serious" I say to Flynn as she sits down on the couch that Luke loves. "Ok so what's up??" Flynn asks with impatience. " Ok so long story short, after the concert we had they didn't move on as you know but something happened and the mark from Caleb was removed and I can know feel them! I know it sounds crazy but we can touch and interact with each other and I don't fully understand it but it's awesome." I tell Flynn and her moth hangs open. "Wait so your telling me that you can feel the guys and actually touch them!?" Flynn says,"yea it's pretty cool and so Luke found the song I wrote Perfect Harmony and he loved it so tomorrow we're singing it, I'm a little nervous because that song is pretty intense and personal but I think he likes me the way I like him!" I say trying not to sound too pathetic. "So you and Luke can touch and he likes the song you wrote? Oh my god Julie I totally ship it know, I know I was like worried in the beginning because you guys couldn't really interact but now that you can I still think that it would be weird but there is so much chemistry you can't deny it and neither can he" she said with excitement! " I know and the way he reacted about the song gives me hope!" I say just when Alex, Reggie and Luke poof in.

Julie and the Phantoms (the summer that changed us all)Where stories live. Discover now