Before the Gig

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Luke's POV-

Reggie, Alex, and I decided to get out of the studio and go walk around Sunset Boulevard. We're still trying to figure out where Reggie's parents moved to, Julie has been helping us look but we don't want to create any suspicion its already kinda dangerous recording our performances and talking to managers. We have created a story to go along with so we don't have to make an appearance any time soon with any managers or fans, but we still need to be careful we don't want to risk anything.

After about 2 hours we decided to go back to the studio, once we poof back to the studio we see Julie and Flynn sitting on the couch talking. Julie jumps up as we pop in startled and looking kinda nervous. "Hey, sorry hope we aren't walking into something," I say looking at Julie. "No it's fine we were just talking out the gig tomorrow and I was going over the setlist," she says looking at Flynn who waves in the direction that Julie was looking a minute ago. Reggie smiles and waves back "Hey Flynn," he says kinda blushing. "Reggie says Hi," Julie tells Flynn and I notice a smile appear on her face. I look at Reggie as he smiles and I roll my eyes, "Dude are you seriously crushing on a girl that can't even see you?" I ask Reggie and Julie laughs quietly. "You have put a totally new definition of the girl can see right through you quote" I laugh and Reggie's smile disappears. "I do not like Flynn ok, sure she is funny and is amazing but I am not crushing on her." "Ok, whatever you say" I smile and look at Julie who smiles back.

Julie's POV-

I smile at Luke and Flynn stands up "ok well I'm going to head home, ill see you guys tomorrow for the show" Flynn says walking to the door. "Bye Flynn, ill see you tomorrow," I say smiling at her and wave. She walks out of the studio and I sit on the couch "Ok so where were you guys?" I ask waiting for one of them to answer. "We just went to walk Sunset Boulevard, Alex is hoping to run into Willie but so far hasn't had any luck," Luke says sitting on the couch with me and grabs his guitar. He starts to play the melody to Perfect Harmony but before we can practice my dad yells for me to come eat. "Ok ill see you guys tomorrow, goodnight," I say standing up heading to the doors. "Ok see you tomorrow," Reggie says waving and I smile and wave back. Luke gives me a head nod and I leave and walk to the house. I walk into the house and my aunt is there. From what it looked like she brought dinner for us. Even though it's been almost half a year since my mom died she still treats me like I'm some glass object that has to be handled with care or will break. My dad just tells me she is trying to help but sometimes it feels overwhelming. I sit down at the table and my aunt brings her homemade meatball marinara to the table. About an hour later after we ate and I took a shower I sit down at my desk to write some lyrics when I hear a knock at the door. "Come in." come in I say and my dad walks in and sits on the bed. "Hey sweetheart I just wanted to say good luck tomorrow and can't wait to hear you guys play again." he says smiling, "Thanks Dad, I'm excited and I think our performance tomorrow is going to be great," I say and he smiles. "Ok well I'm pretty tired so I think I'm going to head to bed," I say closing my songbook, standing up. "Goodnight sweetheart," he says hugging me. He walks out of my room closing my door and I lay down, drifting off to sleep thinking about Luke.


Julie's POV-

I wake up feeling pumped for our gig today. I go to my closet and find a red off the shoulder shirt with a pair of light blue jeans with a short jean jacket and black short boots with a half-inch heel. I walk downstairs to my dad making french toasts and eggs. "Goodmorning sweetheart, are you excited about ur gig tonight?" my dad asks while grabbing juice from the fridge. "Yea I am, It's gonna be great tonight," I say walking over to the fridge to grab some strawberries and my plate of food. I sit down at the table and eat my breakfast while thinking about how tonight and how its gonna go with Luke and me. After I finish eating I go to the studio and find Alex, Luke, and Reggie practicing. "Hey guys, how's it going?" I ask "Were totally stocked about tonight!" Alex says standing up from his drums. I walk over to the couch and sit down, "Ok so I'll leave around 6:00pm and cause it starts at 7:30." I say looking at the guys with a serious tone "Do NOT be late!" I say. " Oh please you got nothing to worry about, we will be there at 7:00 I promise" Luke says to me with a smile on his face. "Ok good so I'll see you guys at the gig" I say standing up and walking out of the studio. I walk inside and go to my room, I look at the clock on my table next to my bed saying 4:45. I grab my phone and immediately call Flynn. "Hey I need help about what I'm gonna wear." I say to Flynn as she answers the phone, "alright I'll be right there" she says on the other end  and hangs up. I go to my makeup table and start straightening my hair, I haven't in a while so I decided I should and surprise the guys. After about 15 minutes my hair is half way done and Flynn comes in my room and walks straight to my closet. "Ok let's see what we're working with." She says and goes through my clothes. "Umm hi to you too" I laugh, "Ohh Hi best friend who has nothing to wear to her gig tonight and has to look amazing" she says looking at me. I laugh and roll my eyes " Ok well best friend what should I wear tonight?" Flynn pulls out a shirt and a jean skirt. "This right here" and comes to my table and picks a necklace out. "Um are you sure about this? I ask. " Yes this gig is important and I can tell by you doing your hair that your trying to impress Luke" she says looking at me. " ok I'll wear it and I'm not trying to Impress Luke" I say comforting myself. "Ok Julie, whatever you say" she says and puts the outfit on my bed and walks out.



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