The Performance

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Julie's POV-

After getting ready Flynn and I head downstairs, we make sure I have everything and go to the car where my dad and Carlos are waiting. Carlos has a soccer game so he and dad can't watch the performance. After being in the car for about 20 minutes my hands are shaking and I'm nervous. I don't know how things are going to go tonight with Luke and me singing. This song is deep and I know we will do amazing but I don't know how I will feel singing this song with him, I'm scared I'm going to let my emotions show and ruin something. I stare out the window thinking and Flynn calls my name and asks if I'm ok, I tell her I'm fine just nervous, and go back to looking out the window thinking. Another 10 minutes go by and dad pulls up to the arena, we tell him and Carlos bye and head in the back door to my dressing room to freshen up and wait until we go on. Were just opening for another band tonight so were just singing 2 songs. We chose Bright since that's the first song we ever sang as a group and Perfect Harmony to end it. There are a good amount of managers here tonight so we're hoping after our gig tonight a few of them will contact us even though I'm not so sure how we could do that with the guys being ghosts but we will figure it out, we always do.

Luke's POV-

We arrived at the arena about 15 minutes after Julie, she was in her dressing room getting ready and we were just chilling on the stage while everyone got everything together. I look at the big empty stage and all the empty seats and think about how in about 30 minutes they would all be filled with people who get to hear us perform and automatically think of Julie and how none of this would've happened without her. We wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for her and I couldn't thank her enough, even though she would say there was nothing to thank her for I still can't believe she did all of this. Alex looks at me and smiles "I still can't believe we get to perform tonight I for sure thought the last time we would sing would be a the Orpheum" he says to Reggie and me. " We all thought that performance would've been our last but it wasn't and now we have the chance to become great and it's all thanks to Julie," I say to both of them. I stand up and tell the guys ill be right back. I look for the dressing rooms so talk to Julie before we go onstage, I knock and wait for her to answer. "Come in" is all I hear and I walk in. I close the door behind me so I can talk to Julie without risking someone walking by. "Hey I just wanted to make sure you were ready for tonight" is all I say after I close the door looking at Julie. "Yeah I'm ready and definitely excited," she says back. "Ok well, that's all I pretty much came to say" even though it's really not. " Oh alright well ill see you out there," she says and stands up from the couch she was sitting on. " ok ill see you out there," I say back and walk out going back to the stage with the guys.

Julie's POV-

After Luke comes in I'm definitely more nervous than before but I hold it in and continue getting ready. After a while, the stage manager comes in and says it's time. We walk to the side of the stage as they announce the band and I walk onstage. My piano is on the left making enough room for Alex's drums and room for Reggie and Luke to jam out. I walk to the microphone and thank everyone for being here. I start playing the keys to Bright and the first song is over in a flash. We hear clapping and people start to stand, After everyone calms down Luke starts playing the cords to Perfect Harmony and everything goes black and it becomes just him and I like when I was in dance class except everyone can see us. Alex and Reggie aren't on stage its just Luke and me. As we sing it feels like we're connected not just by music but by nature and it really feels like a perfect harmony.

: step into my world bittersweet love story about a girl, shook me to the core voice like an angle I've never heard before, Here in front of me shining so much brighter than I have ever seen, life can be so mean but when he goes I know he doesn't leave, The truth is finally breaking through two worlds collide when I'm with you a voice is rising soul so high we come to life when we're in perfect harmony ah ah ao ah ah ou:

Things start to get a little intense and I feel like my whole body is floating.

: you set me free, you and me its more than chemistry love me as I am, ill hold your music here inside my hands love we as i am ill hold your music right inside my hands:

We start to get closer to each other and At that moment everything feels right Luke is a normal person and I'm not a girl who lost her mom or sing in a band with ghosts.

: We say we're friends we play pretend your more to me with everything a voice is rising soul so high we come to life when we're in perfect harmony, I feel the rhythm in my heart, you are my brightest burning star, I never knew a love so real we're heaven on earth, melody, and words when we're together we're in perfect harmony, whoa-oa-oa, whoa-oa-oa:

This performance is nerve-racking and us singing this song together just makes everything I feel 10 times more strong and i feel like we're so close to each other and at that moment I don't want this to end.

: We say we're friends we play pretend you're more to me we create a perfect harmony:

then it's over and he disappears.

*Hey guys I'm so so sorry it took so long for me to write this chapter and I'm sorry it's short, I just figured this was a good place to end this chapter. I've already started to work on the next chapter and will have it out to you guys ASAP. I don't know if you guys keep up with any of the JATP theories but there is a theory that Luke and Alex had a romantic past and I love this idea, I am a huge Juke and Walex shipper but I feel like that will add a little more drama and intrigue to the story so I will be adding in a Jalex history but don't worry Juke and Walex are still my OTP's. I'm still needing some ideas for some future chapter, if any of you have any ideas please comment or message me and if I choose to use any of your ideas I will most definitely give you credit. Hope you guys enjoy and the copyright goes to Netflix, these are not my characters*

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