The Talk (Part One) Williex

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The crowd is clapping and in awe, everyone looks around hoping to see how Julie did the holograms. Julie walks backstage and hugs Flynn feeling emotional and happy. "I just wish mom could've been here to see this." Julie says to Flynn hugging her. "She would've been so proud! That performance was amazing! Absolutely amazing." Flynn says letting Julie go from the hug. "You should probably go talk to Luke, that was a pretty emotional thing you guys did." Julie nods and walks to the dressing room hoping Luke would be there. Meanwhile Alex, Reggie and Luke talk about how awesome the performance was. "That was definitely intense" Alex says to Luke. "yea i know it was but it was amazing" Luke says to both Alex and Reggie. 


The boys here a knock on the door and Willie comes in, "Hey Alex can i talk to you?" Willie says with a pleating look in his eye. "Umm.... yeah sure" Alex says walking to the door. "I'll be right back." Alex and Willie stand outside the dressing room door. "Thanks for talking to me, i just wanted to apologize for everything and letting Caleb control me. He just scares me but i don't want to lose you, you mean a lot to me and i did a stupid thing taking you guys to the club. I also just wanted to tell you what an amazing job you did tonight, you guys sounded incredible especially you." Willie says blushing a little from the nerves. 

Alex smiles, " It's ok Willie, I forgive you. I understand why you did what you did, you didn't have much choice since Caleb owns your soul. I'm really glad you liked the performance! It means a lot." Alex says looking at Willie. "I'm really happy you forgive me because i have something to tell you and i hope you feel the same way.... I like you Hot dog boy" Willie says to Alex. "Wait what do you mean you like me?" Alex says confused and nervous scared to admit the truth and ruin there friendship. "I mean i like you more than a friend and I just couldn't keep hiding it." willie says, Alex smiles and blushes "I like you too! but aren't you worried about what Caleb will do?" Alex says with concern in his voice. "No one has heard from him since the night you guys escaped his stamp, plus i don't care what he think. All I know is that i like you and i want to  be with you." Willie says smiling and walking towards Alex grabbing his hand. "I want to be with you too" Alex says smiling and looks down at his and Willie's hand. 

Alex and Willie spend a few minutes staring at each other and smiling. Meanwhile Julie finally reaches her dressing room and sees Alex and Willie, "Hey Alex that performance was amazing and everyone loved it!" Julie says and looks at Willie, "Wait how can i see you?" Julie and Alex look at Willie confused. "I'm normally only able to see the guys but i can see you." Julie looks down at Alex and Willie holding hands. "OMG your Willie! it's great to meet you. Alex talks about you a lot." Julie says with a smile "Hey its good to finally meet you and it's weird you can see me, normally only ghosts can see me." Willie says to Julie. "Oh sorry if i interrupted anything i was just on my way to the dressing room, I'm trying to find Luke." Julie says to Alex and Willie. "Last i saw he was in the room with Reggie" Alex says looking at the door. "OK thanks Alex and I'm so happy for you guys!" Julie says and walks into the dressing room.

Hey sorry this chapter is short but i hope you guys enjoy it. the next chapter will be mainly Juke. i will try to have the next chapter out ASAP hopefully the next 2 days. im going through the loss of a pet so its been pretty hard. but i hope you guys enjoy and comment ideas if you have any. there is a lot of drama coming so be prepared.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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