Chapter 6

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  We had decided to have a band practise, even if I couldn't play. But I could still sing. And it was also the first time Tord would be playing with us. We had gotten Tord's Piano in the garage in the summer, a few days before school started. My aunt had also gotten another key for the garage to give to Tord, so that he can get in and play piano whenever he wants to. 

  When we got there, we first went inside my house and got something to eat before practising. We all ate a sandwich, except Tord. He was just staring at his sandwich. "Tord? Are you not gonna eat?" I asked him. He just shook his head and said he's not hungry. "But Tord, you should eat something. You didn't eat at school either, "Edd said. Tord hummed. "I guess you're right…" he said and started eating his sandwich. "Btw, can't you take your gloves off now?" Edd asked and Tord shook his head. "I don't want to take them off yet… Well we should go practise now," he said and got up and we all went to the garage to practice.

  After practising for like three hours, we just sat on the floor talking about stuff. "Btw, It's my birthday next week," Tord says.  "Are you gonna have a party?" Matt asks. "I dunno… I don't know if anyone is gonna come… " "I would!" I said and Edd and Matt nodded too agreeing that they would come too. Tord smiled. "I guess I could have a party then, next weekend! My birthday is next Thursday, but Imma have the party on Friday evening," Tord said excitedly.

  "It could also be a sleepover!" Edd suggested. "Oh that would be cool!" said Tord. We all agreed that we'd have a sleepover birthday party at Tord's house next week on Friday. After talking for a while, we decided to practice for an hour or so. We also filmed ourselves practising and playing for Tord's Youtube channel.


  Edd and Matt went to their homes, but I stayed with Tom. We were in his room and I was editing the video where we were practising and playing. It took like an hour to edit and Tom was next to me looking at what I was doing the whole time. Lastly I did the thumbnail and then uploaded it. "Now let's wait how people will react to me having new friends and joining a band," I say and set down my phone next to me.

  “Hey Tord,” I hummed and looked at Tom. “What would you like for your birthday?” he asked and I needed to think about it for a while. “Umm… Not sure,” I answered. “Well I’ll just think of something,” . I took my phone and went to see how the video had done. It already had almost 2k views and almost 200 comments. Tom also leaned closer to see. I went to look at the comments, and people we’re telling them to make more videos together, but then there were also some people confused about Tom’s eyes.

  The people we’re also asking me when I’d go on live and some other questions. I looked at the clock. It was 8pm. It was late, but not too late. “Hey, Tom. Would you like to go on live with me on youtube, and answer some questions my viewers may have?” I asked. “Oh, yea, sure,”. We took some books and made them into a stand where we placed the phone on. We started the live. Straight away people started coming. Soon there were over 1 thousand people.

  I explained the people watching to ask us questions, and one question that was seen almost instantly was why Tom has black eyes. “They’re asking about your eyes,” I said and looked at Tom. “Well I dunno why they’re like this. I was just born with them,” Tom answered the question. After that we got some other questions like, why I was wearing gloves, how long we had known each other, our addresses and phone numbers, which we did not give them of course.

  “Next question…” I said out loud trying to find a question and found one and read it out loud. “‘Why and how did you break your nose and Tom his hand?’”. “Because of those fucking idiots at school,” Tom said.  “Yea. Tom has been gotten bullied for years and now I’m being bullied, because I’m his friend-” “Which is fucking dumb!” Tom ended my sentence and I nodded. 


  Tord was reading the comments for new questions, and he could see some mean comments. Like he had gotten those before, but they felt different. He tried to ignore them, but couldn’t stop thinking about what the comments said. They said same kinda stuff that the messages the bullies had sent him. Soon he saw a question and without even reading it fully, he read it outloud trying to keep his mind away from the mean comments. “‘Do you two have crushes?’”.  “I do,” Tom says and looks at Tord waiting for his answer. Tord was plushing a little bit. “Yea, I do too,”. And after that everyone were asking who their crushes are.


This chapter had 886 words!
Today was a great day lmao. Me, my friend, my old friend and her friend(I’m tryna be friends with them again), were hanging out today after school when waiting for the bus. Let's call them S, H, and V.  Well S came up with a cool group name for us. The name is ‘Kääpiöt’ lmao. That’s finnish, so translated to english our name is ‘Midgets’ lol. It’s just, because we’re short lmao.
S just first called H and V that, even tho they were taller than her, and then she counted me and herself in with it and now we’re all one group. V is just the only boy in our group. Or I think H may be genderfluid? I’m not sure. But what ever lmao

And also I put my newest animatic up at the start for y'all to watch :3

Word count:1030

Broken Music | TomxTord Eddsworld Fanfict | AU by meWhere stories live. Discover now