Chapter 8

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  Tord was just standing there,leaning against the wall, waiting patiently for Tom to come back. He closed his eyes, but soon opened then 'cause felt somebody grab his wrist really tightly and start dragging him. It was Theo. "Hey, What the hell?!" Tord yelled, trying to get away from Their grib. Theo just tightened it, and it started seriously hurting, especially because of the cut scars on his wrist. Theo dragged him to one of the rooms where the school kept their cleaning supplies.

  Theo threw Tord into the floor. Tord sat up and looked at Theo. "Why did you bring me here?!" Tord asked, but Theo ignored it completely. "You know, this cleaning supply room isn't used that much. I don't think it's been used since last year's Halloween party," Theo said and Tord was just confused why he was telling him this. "And these rooms are also soundproof like every other room in this school," Theo continued. "Why are you telling me this?" Tord stood up. Theo again ignored him, walked to the door and opened the door, stepped out. "Have fun!" Theo said cheerfully and closed the door.

  "Wait!!" Tord ran to the door and tried opening it, but it was locked. "Hey, let me out asshole!!!" Tord yelled banging on the door. After 10minutes of trying to open the door, he just gave up and sat on the floor, leaning against the door. He took his phone from his pants' pocket, and looked at it. New messages from the bullies. 'If he cared about you, he would have found you already'. 'Did you really think Thomas liked you? He's just trying to use you.' 'You're just seeking attention.'

  They were calling him names, and saying more offensive stuff to him. Tord could feel the tears form in the corners of his eyes, and soon fall down his cheeks, then chin and the drop on his phone. He wiped the tears off the phone and put it on the floor next to him. He started hugging his knees, sobbing. He felt so alone, and that no one liked him. That everyone hated him. He just wanted to go back in time or just end everything.

  He spent hours locked in the cleaning supply room just crying and sitting. He at one point tried to find something sharp, and did. A tiny piece of glass in the corner of the room. He took it and took off his gloves and rolled up his sleeves and started cutting himself, while still crying. Soon he just laid on the floor looking at the ceiling, still holding the glass piece on his right hand. He used his left hand sleeve to wipe the tears away. He wondered how long he'll still be there. Will anyone ever actually find him? Will he just be left there, until he dies of thirst or hunger? Or of boredom? Or until he finally has the courage to kill himself?

  There was no window and the only light source that he had was a tiny little lamp in the ceiling. It wasn't that bright. Even the phone's flashlight was like ten times better, than it was. He looked at his phone. The battery had run out a long time ago. He would've tried sending a message to someone earlier, but the phone battery had already died. He hadn't charged it at night, 'cause had forgotten. And he thought that nobody would actually care that he's there locked, even if he asked for help. (#blamethebullies . Sorry, breaking the fourth wall here lmao)

  He felt weak, and tired. The cut he had made had bled, but not too much. But there were still drips of blood all over the floor. It was also on Tord's clothes. He didn't know what time it was. There was no clock. But he assumed it was probably like 6pm. He got up and tried the door again, hoping he had just been dumb and non known how to open the door, and that it was unlocked. But no. It was locked. Tord tried kicking the door, but it didn't work. He didn't even know what he thought was gonna happen.

  He sat back down and started crying again. He wanted to get out, and then beat the shit out of Theo. But he wasn't sure if he could do that. Like yea, he could fight and stuff, but Theo was also taller than him. Tord started hitting his head on the wall behind him. He put his sleeves back down and also put the cloves on to not have the cuts visible, if someone actually even came to the room. He wondered if anyone was actually even worried about him? Probably not. He wanted to sleep, so he laid on the floor trying to sleep. Maybe someone finds him while he's sleeping.


This chapter was 808 words long. Or plus my fourth wall break, it was 816 words long!
Also I can't fucking believe I wrote a over 800 word chapter where it's only Tord in one room almost the whole chapter, like how de hell did I do dat?!
Anyway, this book is already longer than the first one I even wrote lmao.

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