Chapter 3: Reigniting Flames

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Liam dialed Parrish.

"Liam, you need to get out of there," Parrish said on the other end of the line.

"I can't leave the body," Liam answered.

"Liam, they could still be there."

"I don't care," Liam hung up the phone.

"Come on, let's go, Liam," Theo looked at him.

"You go; I'm watching the body," Liam glared at him.

"Liam, come on, stop being stupid."

"No, she was a werewolf; I'm not leaving someone take her body. It's my fault she's dead anyway," Liam growled.

Theo grabbed his hand, "calm down." Liam looked into his eyes retracting his claws. "It's not your fault; you can't save everyone."

"You don't understand; Scott left me in charge."

"He didn't want you dead either," Theo grabbed him, "when was the last time you took a break?"

"I rest too much," Liam looked at him.

"Your body is saying otherwise," Theo glared at him as an arrow broke his lecture.

Theo and Liam fell at the flash of the light. Theo grabbed Liam off the ground, "we have to run!"

Three hunters emerged in the clearing, pointing crossbows and guns at them. They took off into the woods, dodging bullets and arrows. An arrow was headed straight towards Theo when Liam reached out taking it in the shoulder. Liam ripped it out right away as they kept running. As they headed towards the edge of the preserve, the hunters were left behind due to their speed.

Parrish, Stilinski, and a few other deputies met them.

"They're still in there," Liam said through raspy breaths.

"Liam, are you okay son?" Stilinski looked at him.

Liam nodded.

"No, he's not he has wolfsbane in his shoulder we need to burn it out," Theo answered for him.

Parrish nodded, heading towards the truck for a lighter. Theo was staring at the hellhound.

"I would erupt his entire body in flames," Parrish assured the chimera as Stilinski and the human deputies entered the woods.

"They are going to be gone," Theo looked at him.

"I figured; they wouldn't hang around," Parrish answered, "hold him down."

"I'm fine," Liam said his eyes closing and opening. Theo grabbed him as Parrish took the wound, burning out the yellow substance.

Theo looked at Liam, "stay awake, Liam."

Parrish and the chimera looked back and forth as Liam began to go limp in Theo's arms.

"He's exhausted," Theo said out loud as soon as Liam went unconscious.

"Looks like it, take him home," Parrish looked at him.

Theo went towards his truck when Parrish called him out.

"Theo, when did you get back in town?"

"Today, I am still someone's responsibility."

Parrish smiled, "We could use some help."

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