Chapter 15: Falling in Holes

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TW: self-harm

"Liam!" Mason called after him.

"I'll get him," Theo ran after him.

Theo followed Liam's scent mixed with the beta's blood into the woods.

"Liam!" Theo called out. There was no answer. He ran through the woods until he found his collapsed at the trunk of a tree. "Liam," he said softly. He smelled guilt and fear radiating off of him, tears, and blood coming off of his body.

"I'm a monster Theo; I can't do this," Liam looked up at him approaching.

"Hey, you lost control. It's okay you are stressed. You need to stop blaming yourself," Theo grabbed his hands, taking away his pain. He felt the blood, fresh on his hands from Liam clawing at himself.

Liam looked up at him his body shaking and nodded.

"Theoooo, Theooooo," a faint voice called his name. Theo looked up.

"What?" Liam looked at the concerned chimera.

"Do you hear something?"

Liam shook his head.

Theo turned after hearing a familiar voice, "Tara," her name escaped his lips.

He heard a cackle and turned in the direction of the sound.

"Tara," Theo said seeing a figure appeared, fear gripped his heart, her heart. He almost fell over as her figure approached; he was entranced.

"Miss me?" she stared at him.

Theo stood still, unable to run. She approached him, her hand reaching for his chest.

"Theo!" Liam screamed, grabbing the chimera's hand. Theo heard his call, seeing Tara or whatever it was approaching him. Liam grabbed his arm and turned to run.

"Theo it's not her," Liam tried to grab him.

"It's okay; you don't need to save me. It's what I deserve. Run Liam," Theo said calmly.

"No, Theo it's not her. It's the creature!" Liam screamed trying to drag the chimera away. Tara's finger began to grow, snapping Theo out of it. He turned and ran after the beta. He glanced back seeing a giant wolf-like creature with wings chasing after them.

"What is that?" Liam said panicking.

"I don't know don't look back," Theo assured him.

Suddenly, Liam disappeared.

"Liam?" Theo turned, fearfully, when a hand reached out of the ground pulling him down. He almost screamed before he felt the small hand cover his mouth. Liam managed to fall into a hole again.

The looked-up seeing the monster's shadow go over the hole. Theo grabbed Liam's body pulling him into his chest. After a few minutes of staring into each other's eyes in silence, hand in hand, Theo let go of the shaking beta.

"Are you okay?" Theo asked him.

Liam shook his head, "I think; are you?"

"Thanks to you; you saved me, Little Wolf," Theo whispered.

"Do you think we are safe?"

"I think," Theo couldn't hear the creature anymore. Liam went to climb out of the hole before Theo pulled him down.

"You can't just go out there," Theo stared at him down, "I can't lose you."

"Is this a weird time to say I love you?" Liam smiled.

"Not if I say it back," Theo smiled at the dirt-covered beta, "God, we've been spending too much time with Mason and Corey."

"We'll go together," Liam grabbed Theo's hand as they scaled the hole. They looked around the forest, seeing no signs of the monster. Liam leaned on Theo as they walked out; he was exhausted but was trying to remain standing.

They met Mason, Corey, and Nolan on the edge of the woods. "What happened?" Mason stared at them, "we were worried about you."

"I fell in a hole," Liam muttered as he fell to the ground.

Liam woke up in his bed with Theo, Nolan, Mason, and Corey staring over him. He noticed he was somehow clean, and his clothes were changed.

"What?" Liam looked at them.

"You passed out, and I had to drag you to my truck," Theo smirked.

"He also threw you in the shower and changed your clothes," Nolan looked at them, before receiving a shove from Theo onto the bed.

"Hey, concussion remember," Mason glared at the chimera.

"That's why I pushed him onto the bed," Theo smiled.

"Did you tell them?" Liam looked up at him.

"We are caught up," Corey assured him, "the monster turns into something or someone important to you, and you two are dating."

"Ah, I don't think I knew that," Liam looked up at Theo.

"You said it before you passed out," Theo assured him, while the other three were trying to hold back laughing.
"Oh okay," Liam smiled, clueless.

"So, you agree?" Theo asked.

"Yes," Liam nodded, "wait I didn't say that did I?"

Theo shook his head and smirked.

"We are dating," Liam stated boldly.

Mason and Corey high fived each other, and Nolan smiled at them.

"Is my dad home?" Liam asked.

"No, he must still be at the hospital."

Liam tried sitting up; Theo grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"Did you call Parrish or Stilinski yet?" Liam reached for his phone.

"No, we were more worried about you, Little Wolf."

"There's a monster out there that can shapeshift."

"And I prefer my best friend not dead in the middle of the woods," Mason interrupted him.

Liam growled and dialed Parrish's number.

"Liam, apparently you heard," Parrish picked up the phone.

"Heard what? I was just telling you Theo and I saw it in the woods near the school."

"Liam, it attacked at the hospital."

Liam went paler than he already was; he dropped his phone onto the bed. Mason grabbed it finishing the conversation with Parrish as Theo tried to stop Liam from running to the hospital.

"My dad and mom are both there we have to go," Liam tried to fight out of the chimera's grip.

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