𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡.

852 19 7

Based of - 5x02, 5x04Words - 2010Warnings - fighting, mentions of alcoholism, miscarriage Song - More (Halsey)

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Based of - 5x02, 5x04
Words - 2010
Warnings - fighting, mentions of alcoholism, miscarriage
Song - More (Halsey)

{ Italics - flasbacks }


No one really knew who they were. Bellamy had muttered something along the lines of that they were here to help. But they certainly didn't look like they were planning on helping. Then again, Octavia didn't look as if she was wanting their help. Either way, they had the materials to get everyone out of this Bunker and you didn't. So whatever happened, you planned on reaching the top again.

Octavia starred at them as she tried to suss the pair out. "Who are they?" She had asked her brother. Everyone awaited the answer. They weren't like you. They weren't from Earth. They were different.

The woman turned first as she met Octavia and you could tell that the look in her eyes was not promising. "We're here to rescue you." She answered as if she was above everyone who stood in this Bunker. Every could hear it in her voice. The way her tone was blunt and almost smirk-like. She thought she was better than the people in this Bunker, Bellamy and Clarke probably along with you.

A sigh came from your lips, making everyone's eyes look to you as you shrugged. In honesty, you didn't really care who they were. Well, maybe you should. But as of right now, they were the people that were going to bring you out from this dreaded Bunker and for that you would be thankful. "Then let's go with that and get the hell out of here." You suggested. But, of course, it was never going to be that easy.

Before anyone could reply to you, Octavia took a step forwards while her eyes clued to these new people in front of her. "Why are you armed?" She questioned in a way that almost threatening.

Bellamy was quick to pull his sister back from doing something stupid in that moment. The boy was able to realise the changes in Octavia. Her trust issues had grown, along with her need for blood. And as much as he hated it, for now he wouldn't mention it. But once everyone was out and safe, he would out a stop to it. Or, at least, he would try to. "O, it's okay." Bellamy calmed. "We have an understanding." Though, by the looks of it, that had done nothing to reassure Octavia.

Everyone then looked to Clarke as she requested to see her mother. To which, Indra guided her out from the fighting pits and to the cell she was locked in right now. You wonder what the blonde girl might think when she realised her mother had turned into a drug addict. Then again, we had all change. Most of you, not for the better. You were sure that Bellamy and the rest of them had been able to grow as people up in space but down here, it was different. Instead of being able to learn from mistakes, everyone ended up loosing themselves - some more than others.

Once Indra was out of sight with Clarke, the main woman looked back to the three of you standing together. She had been able to take note at how, even after 6 years, the three of you still held a kind of dynamic. Granted, there was a lot of tension still held between you and Octavia but the woman had picked up on that too. "I take it your his sister?" Sher asked and Bellamy nodded for Octavia when she wouldn't answer. Which again, hadn't been much of a surprise for you. "And you?" The woman then went on to question as her eyes moved up to meet you.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫 // 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐲Where stories live. Discover now