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Based of - 5x10? (kinda)Words - 2120Warnings - blood, wounds, deaths, ending sad feelings :(Song - Radioactive (Koda)

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Based of - 5x10? (kinda)
Words - 2120
Warnings - blood, wounds, deaths, ending sad feelings :(
Song - Radioactive (Koda)


Octavia stood from her throne as she scanned the room. She couldn't even pick out one person who looked to be on her side. So she couldn't leave it to the people. If you wanted Wonkru back, she would have to take it from you. And she would do so. You had left your people 6 years ago to drink your problems away. You left her to pick up all the reminding pieces. It wasn't fair that you were just allowed to take them back whenever you felt like it.

"If you really are a the true commander, then you will have no problem in fighting for you people." Octavia announcing, walking down from the highest point until she reached the bottom of the pits.

Nodding, you wondered as to where the woman was going with her words. There was no question in whether you would fight for them or not. Your people were your family and some of them were apart of Wonkru. "That's the whole part of being a Commander." You told Octavia and watched her closely.

A smirk crossed her lips for a moment as a plan made its way into her mind. A plan that would work in her favour. "Then we fight." She decided, your brows falling. "The last will be the one to lead Wonkru whether that be into the Valley or not." And just like that, it was life or death. It was kill or be killed. Which you would have been fine with if it wasn't Octavia that you were being asked to kill. But you saw that look in her eyes. She was willing to kill her own brother. She wouldn't blink at the thought of pushing her sword through your heart.

You sucked in a breath at first before glancing towards Bellamy for his thoughts on the matter. He gave you nothing. He didn't nod his head or mouth a no. This was your decision. Either you died trying or you killed Octavia in hopes of saving the whole human race by doing so. "So, what do you say? Deal?" She questioned, arm out in front of her as she awaited to see whether you would take it or not.

In that moment, you made the biggest decision you ever could in your lifetime. Bigger than leaving camp when you first came down to the ground, bigger than joining Murphy in going into the Deadzone, bigger than becoming commander when there were none. "Deal." You voiced and let your arm take the woman's. Just like that, one of you were going to die and everyone who stood in the Arena knew so.

The second that word had left your mouth, you went to look over to Bellamy. And you couldn't read him. You didn't know what he was thinking. Whether the man thought that somehow you had thought this through and you weren't able to either get yourself killed or kill his sister. Honestly, you had nothing else to work with. You were either going to save the human race or you were going to die trying.

"Reset the Arena!" Miller ordered as he made his way back up to where Octavia's throne sat. Bellamy, Indra and Gaia all being forcefully removed from the pits to around the edges of the Arena. While doing so, you made sure to not drop your eyes contact from them. For all you knew, it might have been the last time you were able to look at them.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫 // 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐲Where stories live. Discover now