𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐚.

631 20 12

Based of - 5x09, 5x10Words - 2495Warnings - blacking out, blood, violence

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Based of - 5x09, 5x10
Words - 2495
Warnings - blacking out, blood, violence. 
Song - haunting (Halsey)

A/n - I don't know if it's just me being stupid bit I wasn't quite as to what the lineage actually was so I just kinda guessed and copied this thing from a website. So sorry if it I got it wrong.

Also, Italics - flame stuff (for this part anyway)


Candles lit up the temple as you awaited Gaia to finish setting up. Your leg was shaking and your mind was racing. You didn't want this. You never did. And all you could think about in that moment was Lexa. Whether when you put the flame in, she could speak to you, see you, judge you. That seemed more frightening to you than having to save the last of the human race.

Bellamy gave you a small smile as he entered back into the temple, leaning down in front of you as his hand fell on top of your own. "I know this is hard for you." The man assure, understating the anxiety that was running through your body.

A small huff fell from your lips as you met Bellamy's brown eyes again. "It's not as if the survival of the human race relies on me or anything." You joke as you took a tight grip on the boy's hand, seeking comfort. All these years of you refusing to me Commander or to take the flame or just to add back up to this. But you weren't doing it to go against Octavia, or to save Wonkru. You were doing it for Murphy, for Raven, for your family. As long as they survived, that you had done your job.

Gaia came back around, bowl in her hands as she stood before you and Bellamy. She spoke some in Trig. The same thing you had heard the day Clarke had exposed her night blood. Taking your hand, the woman made a small cut , letting your blood fall into the sand. She carried on with her words. All while she mixed the sand and the blood together. You gave one last look to Bellamy before feeling the sand make contract with your forehead, falling down to just above the bridge of your nose. Now the only thing that was missing was the flame.

"Lengon stean Truheda." (Long live Truheda) Gaia had whispered, so low that not even Bellamy could hear it. But she still turned down to you, watching you're reaction. She had wanted this all along, you realised. She had been waiting for the day that you took the flame. Whether that had been while in the Bunker or now. Either way, she has got what she wanted : the return of Truheda.

With one last concerning look, Gaia moved to behind you, flame in hand. Yet again, you grip tighten on Bellamy as you waited the small piece of technology to constant your mind. "Ashende superioris." And with that, you recalled the Flame opening up like a bug with one too many legs. But then you felt it touch your skin, digging in until it made contact with your mind.

Then everything went blank.


It wasn't like before. This time, the light was blinding and white. So bright that your hand has automatically reached up to cover your eyes. Where were you? And was Bellamy and Gaia.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫 // 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐲Where stories live. Discover now