𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.

820 17 3

Based of - 5x02,5x04Words - 2700Warnings - violence, alcohol 

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Based of - 5x02,5x04
Words - 2700
Warnings - violence, alcohol 


It was chaos. Even after you had just been told what you believed was the worst news of your life, there had to be something added to it. Because now you weren't just stuck in this Bunker for 5 years, but the rest of your life. Kane and Abby had soon become aware that someone had survive but when they went to open the hatch, they couldn't. No one could. And no one will. There was no way out.

Your eyes were clued to the papers in front of you, hand still lingering over your stomach every now and again. Something that hadn't gone unnoticed by Abby as she stood behind you. It was times like these you wished that you didn't have to sit in this chair, that it wasn't your job to reassure 1200 people that everything would be okay when you knew it wouldn't be.

When the door opened again, your head finally lifted from the desk. "I take it you already know." Abby started as you were met with Jaha and a woman for Skaikru.

Jaha practically laughed back at Abby. "Everybody know's." He answered her as if it was that easy. As if now there was thousands of people waiting to hear whether they were actually going to see the sun again, see nature, breathe real air again. From what you had read, they weren't. Not unless someone came in here with a miracle.

Standing, your anger rose and, yet again, became directed at the ex-chancellor stood across from you. "You told everybody?" You snapped at him. "You let them, people who have already lost so much, think that they had nothing anymore? That they didn't even have a life once the hydra-farm stops working?" You went on.

The man took two steps forward, slow and calm. Almost the exact opposite of how you were holding yourself in that moment. "They needed to know, Y/n-" He started to say as if it was his place. As if he was in charge.

You made it very clear he wasn't when your voice stopped his. "The people who need to know will. But other than that, this should have been kept quiet." You scolded the man. "This isn't the Ark, Jaha. You are not in charge here. You can't just go around doing whatever you like without speak to me first." The man then nodded his head, falling silent at your words. He wouldn't waste his breath on you. No matter what he did to help, it would never out weigh the bad he had done to you.

Once everyone watched your voice lowed and your shoulders relax that little bit more, they continued with the task at hand. "Why is she here?" Indra inquired, her eyes starring at the woman that had been brought in with Jaha. "She's not an engineer."

The woman lost eye contact with everyone as she stayed quiet and let Jaha answer for her instead. "Kara runs the hydroponic farm just like she did on the Ark. You need to hear what she has to say." Jaha informed and everyone's attention was turned to them as they waited to hear how screwed they really were.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐖𝐚𝐫 // 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐲Where stories live. Discover now