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   As lovely as it is to hang out with Gon and Killua, no one is exaggerating when they say the two are like a puppy/cat duo. They're cute, sure, but very few people would genuinely enjoy running after them for 13 hours. The havoc they reek unless leashed is indescribable, and it would leave any handler of theirs exhausted.

   It just so happened that their handler's today were Kurapika and Leorio. A spontaneous meetup left the two sore and dozing off even as they stood in a brightly lit hotel lobby. The jingling of their room key snapping the two back to reality as the front desk lady plopped it on the counter with her generic minimum wage funded smile.

   "Please enjoy your stay."

   "Yes—" Kurapika cleared his throat, frowning a bit at how groggy he sounded, "thank you." He nodded, taking the keys in one hand and rubbing his eyes with the other. He grabbed the cuff of Leorio's jacket and led him through the hallways, Leorio silently thanking him since he didn't think he was conscious enough to follow on his own.

   As he was being tugged along like a well trained dog he focused in on Kurapika. He felt like he needed an outlet to keep himself awake till he could land safely on the stiff hotel mattress that would no doubt leave him sorer than before, and his outlet of interest ended up being the hand Kurapika had loosely pinching his cuff. Weird thing to focus on, but then again this is Leorio we're talking about, the guy who ate his phone... because he got angry. His newfound "hand fetish" wasn't the weirdest thing to surface lately.

He wondered to himself if Kurapika's hands were as soft as they looked. If the dirt under his nails had just accumulated that day or a week ago. How tight they'd be wrapped around his wrist if he wasn't as tired. If they were small enough to fit snuggly in his own hands. If he manicured his nails or if they just happened to be that pretty. He wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. Everything about Kurapika just happened to be pretty.



   Leorio looked at the floor in abject horror, his face somehow red like a cherry and white as a sheet at the same time. His navy blue suit turning him into a walking French flag. What the fuck was he thinking. This is Kurapika. Kurapika. His best friend. The notion that he could possibly have feelings for him was absurd. At least that's what he thought initially, but before he could really contemplate his feelings he felt his chest smack into Kurapika's back.

   "Whoops— sorry."

   "No, no, you're fine." Kurapika smiled very softly, quickly giving up on hiding the ever growing fatigue in his voice. Leorio hadn't noticed him letting go of his sleeve to unlock and open up their room for the night, and strangely enough Leorio didn't feel the least bit tired anymore. He followed Kurapika into their room, glancing into the bathroom towards their right and debating weather or not a cold shower before bed would help any. It probably wouldn't. "Leorio?" Kurapika called to him from across the room.

   "Yes—" Leorio glanced over with a cocked brow but his mood fell once he saw the bed. The only bed, sitting a foot or two away from the far wall. It wasn't even a queen size, but he supposed that explained the price. Kurapika sat on the edge of the bed, pulling his tabard off of his shoulders to neatly fold it. You could see his drowsiness overtaking his normally neat self as he tossed his folded tabard to the floor next to his flats.

   "Thank you."

   "Excuse me?" Leorio set his briefcase and suit jacket down on the coffee table, his nimble fingers fumbling nervously with his tie. His thoughts from the hallway creeping back as he admired Kurapika's exposed collarbone after he pulled his top off to sleep in his under shirt.

   "Thank you, for paying for the room." He reiterated.

   "Oh, yeah. No problem." 
   Still fumbling with his tie Leorio hadn't noticed Kurapika had slid off the bed and walked towards him. His smaller hands pushed his out of the way and gently tugged him closer to his height. "Here, you seem a little shakey..."

   Leorio swallowed the frog in his throat. "Right. Thank you."

   "You're welcome, Leorio." He pulled his tie over his head and set it next to his briefcase and jacket. "Are you all right?"

   "O— of corse I am, why wouldn't I be?"

   "You're incredibly red... not to mention a bit sweaty..."

   Leorio pursed his lips, and offered a weak, sarcastic, "sorry."

   "Are you sick?"

   "No, no, just a little hot."

   "Really? I'm freezing." He laughed lightly through his nose, holding his hand out towards leorio.

   Leorio's eyes flicked between Kurapika and his extended hand, finally reaching out and holding it between both of his much larger ones. He almost shivered at just how cold they were, it was like he was holding ice and he nearly laughed at the mental image of Kurapika melting in his hands.

   "God you are warm..."

   Leorio hummed, exhaling through his nose. He pulled back and started to unbutton his shirt, pausing only to walk over to the bed and grab a pillow. Before he could toss it onto the couch Kurapika stopped him with a simple, "What are you doing?"

   "Taking the couch? I thought you'd want the bed."

   "I do, but if you aren't comfortable enough to sleep in the same bed as me then I should take the couch. You did pay for the room."

   "It's too close to the vent, I don't want you to be cold."

   "But you paid for the room."

   "But you're cold."

   "But you paid for the room."

   Leorio pinched his nose and sighed, dropping the pillow back onto the bed. Kurapika tenderly smiled up at him as he peeled his shirt off.

   "I suppose this means you want me to take the couch?"

   "No... uhm, sharing the bed is fine." He kicked off his pants and left them on the floor near the coffee table. Shuffling deeper under the covers as he clicked the bedside lamp off. Kurapika only nodded and crawled in next to him.

   The normally uncomfortable cold of the sheets helped cool off Leorio's flushed face. After the hand holding incident minutes prior he really couldn't sleep. Instead he watched the covers next to him rise and fall slowly with every breath Kurapika took. It was a little odd, earlier he was certain that he was going to make things weird now with this new revelation, but the moment was oddly peaceful. Peaceful until Kurapika started shivering.

   Leorio hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder. "Kurapika?"

   Kurapika shifted, turning over to look at Leorio. "Yes?" He croaked in an "I just woke up," tone, despite not having fallen asleep yet much to his dismay.

   "You can use me as a heater, since you're, you know, freezing over there."

   "Are you sure, Leorio?"

   Leorio only responded by opening his arms, holding the blankets over the both of them so Kurapika could squish himself into Leorio's chest. He tried his best to be considerate of Leorio's boundaries, laying stiff against him on his side, but his exhaustion and Leorio's body heat made it very hard and so he quickly caved. Swinging one leg over to Lock with Leorio's and letting his arms weasel their way around his torso.

   "Thank you, again, Leorio." He absentmindedly scratched Leorio's back as he drifted off, either not hearing or too tired to comprehend Leorio's response.

   "Yeah, anything for you Kurapika."

   That night Leorio learned something, Kurapika's hands were in fact as soft as they look.

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