Growing up and Giving Up

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Jo was always the quiet one. Neither really talked, but when they did Jess was the one to take the lead.

On the first day of kindergarten, Jo cried when asked her name. After that she wouldn't talk until Jess had given her a silent all clear signal from across the room.

She refused to talk above a whisper and any chance she got she was glued to Jess's hip, normally holding his hand if she could.

She would eventually start opening up more at school, but at home she was normally meek and almost silent.

Jess always tried to stand up for his sister. It normally didn't work. They both found covering bruises and lying about cuts was easier than with worried teachers and calls to CPS.

Both kids did well in school and fell comfortably into a world of books. They could hide away in their books. The worlds in them were far better than the one they were living in.

As they made it to their teen years is when they started to really act differently. Jess took out his anger by smoking and getting into fights.

Occasionally stealing, but that was really because they couldn't afford stuff. Jo also took part in smoking, but mostly bottled up her feelings. Crying herself to sleep was something she grew accustomed to.

Sadly, Jess's bad boy attitude affected the way he treated his sister. After something horrific happens, he realizes he has to do everything he can to protect her because they only have each other.

No more purposefully mean comments, or yelling at her for no reason. He also would not let her cry herself to sleep while he pretended to be asleep.

This didn't keep him from arguing with their mother, getting into fights, or stop him from stealing. Instead, it got them sent to live with their Uncle, who they hadn't seen for the last few years.

He called Liz occasionally and sent money to help a little. With only a two day notice, the twins were to pack up their entire lives and move in with a man that probably wouldn't remember their faces.

They didn't want to move in with him, and from the way the phone calls sounded; he didn't want them to either.

The three didn't really have a choice. Liz had given up, and it was up to her big brother to save the day for her yet again.


"I can't believe she's just kicking us out," Jo tells Jess.

"I can," he replies dully.

"Well, I guess I can see her doing it, but with so little notice?"

"I'm shocked she gave us time to pack. It wouldn't have surprised me if we had come home from school and there was a sign on the door that said 'don't come back'"

"That does sound like something she'd do," she replied honestly.

As the two talked they packed up their room. They labeled everything, Jo's clothes, Jess's clothes, books, they had lots of books.

As a teenage girl Jo probably could say she owned more books than clothes.

By their door there were two duffle bags. They both contained a few changes of clothes, a few books, a couple cd's and a couple packs of smokes.

Each twin also includes different things they would need to survive the few days it would take to all of their boxes to arrive.

"Joey, don't forget your meds," Jess says as he takes his shirts from their closet and drops them into a box.

"Oh, right, thanks," she says before going into the kitchen.

Her medicine was kept in a toiletries bag on top of the refrigerator. She took the bag and shoved it into her duffle.

On their dresser next to the door sat their bus tickets for tomorrow morning. They finished packing, and both crashed on their beds.

Jess had a book, planning to stay awake for at least a couple more hours, and Jo quickly fell asleep clutching one of her stuffed animals.

She had a few. This one was a green brontosaurus given to her by Jess for their 10th birthday and is one of her favorites.

After finally deciding to get some sleep, Jess puts down his book and turns off the lamp. He rolls onto his right side, facing Jo.

Not long after, he hears movement. It doesn't startle him at all. He feels his blanket lift and then Jo slips into bed next to him.

"Do you think he'll be nice?" She whispers.

"I think he'll be Luke. Grumpy, backwards hat wearing Luke," he quietly replies.

She waits a moment before talking again.

"Yeah, but... what do you think he'll do? We haven't seen him in a few years."

"Nothing will happen to us Joey. We'll be fine. I promise."

"Fine," she sighs.

She rolls over so her back is to him. He scoots closer and puts his arm around her. Her arm rested on top of his, the other holding Bartholomew.

Yes. Bartholomew. Bartholomew the brontosaurus.

\\AN// -- All grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections are helpful, encouraged, and greatly appreciated.

Thank you

-- Izzy

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