Jo's POV
Jess has been putting a lot more work into school. We always do our homework together, so I know he's doing it all, and he's aced pretty much all of his tests.
He stopped skipping school to pull extra shifts, so I stopped having to hide his keys.
Dean has been dropping by to have breakfast with me before we walk to school because most afternoons one of us will have practice.
This and not having many classes together means we don't get to see each other as much.
Lucky for us Dean and I have our games on different days, so we can each other play. Tonight is the hockey regional semifinals game.
Right now the hockey boys, as well as the softball girls, and some other people are currently standing outside of the high school.
Someone TPed the whole front of the building and we are being made to pick it up. Dean sees them as well and also sends them a wave.
"Good luck tonight," Lorelai tells him.
He gives her a little nod and gets back to work. I go back to holding the ladder for him, so he doesn't fall and die. We are kind of matching today.
Not intentionally. We both have on blue jeans and our letterman jackets. The girl's jackets were a bit different than the guy's.
Both are red and white with the Minuteman M one the front, but the girl one has a white sailor collar. I remember Lane sporting the same jacket during her short time as a cheerleader.
Speaking of Lane, she is going to the hockey game with me. She is bringing along her fake boyfriend, and planning on meeting her real boyfriend there.
Once we finally finish cleaning Dean gives me a quick kiss and leaves to prepare for tonight.
Miss Patty and Babette finish singing the national anthem and we all clap. Yiung Chui is on the phone with his real girlfriend.
Rory shows up and after taking for a bit and watching some of the game we go to get food.
We get to the concession stand, and Lane is on the phone with Yiung Chui's real girlfriend trying to explain that she doesn't want to date him.
She hands the phone back and he leaves to go talk to her. Lindsay turns from the concession stand and sees me, sending a glare.
Rory and Lane notice and think it's aimed at Rory. I know differently though. Lindsay came up to me a couple weeks ago and told me to lay off Dean because she was after him.
I never told him or anyone else this. She walks off without saying anything. As we wait in line Dave shows up, talks for a bit and runs off again. Literally runs.
The three of us order a bunch of food and head back in. I see Dean skate up. I go to walk up to him, but before I can get to him Lindsay walks up to him and starts flirting.
"I guess it wasn't the Chilton thing after all," Lane says.
He glances at me and then back at her. He gives her a smile, but I can tell he's nervous. I hand my food off to Lane, and when I reach them Lindsay shoots me a glare.
"Lindsay, you do know my girlfriend, right?" Dean asks.
"Of course she does. We had a lovely talk a couple weeks ago. What was that about again?" I ask her.
Her eyes get wide, and I see Dean kind of give me a look, but I don't take my eyes off of her. She finally walks off and I look up at Dean.
Well, I guess my smartass attitude can be of use sometimes.
"What was that?" Dean asks.
"She came up to me a while back and told me to stop hanging around you," I reply.
"What? Why would she do that?" he asks.
"Because she wants to swoop in and steal you away," I tell him.
"That's crazy," he replies.
"I don't know. She's pretty, it makes sense for you to want a girl like that," I say.
"Hey," he says looping his arm around my waist.
"I've got you," he says.
I smile at him and he leans down to give me a kiss.
"Here. I brought this for you," he says, holding out his letterman jacket.
I beam up at him before shedding my jacket and slipping on his.
"Thank you. Now go kick some ass," I tell him, before giving him another short kiss and heading back to Rory and Lane.
Kirk is PAing and being Kirk. I was sitting behind him when Dean skated up.
"Kirk, just to let you know some of the guys, not me ya know, but some of the guys say they're gonna rip your head off if you don't shut up. Okay?" Dean asks.
"We'll be pausing for a short break," Kirk says into the mic.
Taylor and his group are all cheering. They are definitely the most excited people here. A guy from the other team gets mad and slams his stick on the ground.
Kirk calls for him and tries to get him to come back. I go up to him and take the book he had because it's clearly not helping him.
I stand next to him for the rest of the game watching Dean and also telling Kirk when important stuff happens. Any time I give feedback he relays it into the mic.
"Yeah! Go baby!" I cheer for Dean.
"Yeah. Go baby," Kirk repeats into the mic.
"No, Kirk. Don't repeat that. I was talking to my boyfriend," I tell him.
"Sorry, that was for Jo's boyfriend," Kirk says, again, into that damn mic.
From across the ice I see Dean look up and look over at us. He gives me a smile and a wave before getting back into the game.
I blush and smile back before picking up one of Kirk's books and smack him with it.
We end up losing 5 to 1. The West Hartford Wildcats are good, and sadly far better than us.
Lane and Yiung Chui run off in hopes to catch the end of Dave's band. Dean catches Rory and I and we chat for a bit before he goes off to change, so we can go out.
Rory stops at the payphone and I step outside to wait for Dean. I see Jess sitting on the hood of his car.
"Hey, what are you up to?" I ask.
"I'm taking Rory to a concert," he says.
"Oo, luck her. Well, I hope you have a nice night," I reply.
"You too," he replies.
"Oh, thanks."
Rory comes out.
"Have fun," I tell her before walking back in, leaving them.
Our date is nothing special. We were just happy to take a break from our busy schedules and hang out with each other.
We go to Al's for dinner. The food ended up being a disaster. The conversation definitely made up for it.
After dinner we walked around town for a bit before we stopped outside the closed diner, shared a quick kiss, exchanged goodbyes, and parted ways for the night.
\\ AN // -- All grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections are helpful, encouraged, and greatly appreciated.
Thank you
-- Izzy

Mariano Twins
FanfictionWhen his sister, Liz gives up Luke takes in her kids. Yes. Kids. The seventeen year old Mariano twins. How will this duo react to being pulled out of New York and dropped into a tiny Connecticut town? //Completed, but going through minor edits\\