Phone Calls

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Jess' Pov

I see Dean come in and eat breakfast, waiting for Jo to get off. When she goes upstairs to get her stuff he goes to wait outside for her. I go out to talk to him.

"Dean," I call.

He turns to look at me.

"What do you want?" he asks.

I put my hands up.

"For the next 30 seconds forget everything that has happened between us. I came here as a big brother, and not the guy you hate, or the guy who's dating your ex," I tell him.

He takes a deep breath.

"Fine," he says.

"Make sure you take care of her. Rory talks highly of you, but you also don't know what Jo has been through. Under that smile she's pretty broken. She's fragile," I inform.

He thinks for a second and nods.

"Okay. Thanks, and I will," he says.

I nod and go back inside.

"What just happened?" she asks.

"Nothing. Have fun," I reply.

Jo's POV

The rest of the date is fun. It continues into the early evening. We walked around, we stopped at a fastfood place for lunch and got tacos which we ate on a bench while we laughed and shivered.

It started snowing on the way back to his truck. On the way back to Stars Hollow we jammed out to the radio.

We pull up outside of the diner. We both get out and grab a handful of books. We stand outside of the diner and I look in to see if Luke or Jess are there. I don't see either, so I turn back to Dean.

"Today was fun," I say, smiling up at him.

"I'm glad. I'd like to do it again so time," he says.

"I think I can manage that," I tell him.

He smiles. We walk in and he helps me carry my books upstairs. We set them on the kitchen table and quickly went back down.

Luke comes out of the kitchen and sees us and I wave as I walk Dean back outside.

"So, I'll call you later. I have the number for the diner," he says.

"Okay. Oh, we have a phone in the apartment, you can call that. Less of a chance you'll have to deal with Luke," I tell him.

"Okay, let me get the number. Wait-"

He opens the passenger side door and opens the glovebox and pulls out a napkin. I take it and take out the pen I have in my bag. I write the number and hand it to him.

"I'll be sure to call you later," he says. 

"Okay," I reply.

We just stood there for a second. Finally he bends down and kisses my forehead. I laugh and bite my lip.

"I'll call. Goodbye, Josephine," he says with a grin.

"Goodbye, Dean."

I watch him get in his truck and drive off. I turn around and see Luke through the window. I jump up and down, doing a little dance. He smiles and shakes his head.

I go in and go upstairs. I lay on my bed with one of my new books. After an hour Jess got back from hanging out with Rory.

We both worked for the rest of the evening. The Gilmores came in and Rory wanted to hear about everything. Lorelai, like Luke, was a bit shocked, but was happy to see us both happy and talking.

As we were closing up my cell phone rings. I know it has to be Dean. I point upstairs to tell Luke I'm leaving. I answer as I walk ascend the stairs.


"Hey,"  Dean says.

"How are you?" I ask.

"I'm good. Just got done having dinner," he says.

"Nice. We're just closing now," I tell him

We chat for a bit and Jess comes upstairs. He looks over at me when he hears me laugh. He sits across from me on his bed.

"Is that your boyfriend?" he asks.

I shoo him away.

"You're a dork," he tells me.

I pick up the paperback book from the nightstand and throw it at him.

"Shut up!" I say, interrupting Dean mid-sentence.

"What?" Dean asks.

"Huh? Oh, no. Not you. I'm sorry. I have an audience," I tell him, as I send Jess a glare.

He just smirks at me across the room.

"Don't worry about it. Clara has been sitting across the room pestering me the whole time," he says.

"Am not!" I hear from the background.

"Jess, Clara wants to say hi," I tell him.

He quickly gets up and practically runs out of the apartment.

"Did that get him out?" Dean asks.

"It did. Oh, have you told Clara yet? Or anyone for that matter?" I ask.

"Yeah. I've told her and my parents. They want to meet you soon," he says.

"Okay. How did Clara take it? She seemed to really like Rory," I reply.

"Well, if you don't remember from the carnival she took a liking to you too," he says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah. When we got home that night she talked about how much fun she had with Rory and her new friend Jo. When I told my parents you were the same Jo they were very happy," he says.

"Wow," I reply.

We talk a little longer.

He says he got a job working for Tom, and will be helping work on the Soda Shop next door, so we'll see each other. We both hang up and go to bed.

\\ AN // -- All grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections are helpful, encouraged, and greatly appreciated. 

Thank you 

-- Izzy

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