Newer Boos & Volleyboll

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Luke walked me home as I cried. He somehow got me into bed and I ended up crying myself to sleep. I never told him what happened.

I wake up to someone running their hand down my cheek. I could feel the dried tears on my face. I wake up enough to see that it's Jess. He bends down close to me.

"Everything is going to be okay," he whispers.

I give a slight nod and fall back asleep.

The next day I learned what he meant. Rory and him are together, meaning they are on good terms. That means I'll still have Rory, as well as Lane.

That only leaves Dean. When I see him in the class we share we don't talk. I can't even bring myself to really look at him.

When I get home Jess and I go upstairs to do homework. Jess goes downstairs for something and comes back with Rory.

He points to the door. I catch the message, grab my stuff and go downstairs. I sit at the counter.

"Her kicked me out," I tell Luke.

Luke quickly gets the food that Rory ordered and rushes upstairs. Not long after she comes rushing out.

"Bye, Jo."

"Bye, Rory."


It's my last volleyball game. We somehow made it to state. I have on my red and white jersey, black spandex, black knee pad, white knee socks, and red and black sneakers.

Luke came and I could see him sitting in the bleachers, but what surprised me was seeing Jess sitting next to him.

It's almost over, and we are one point ahead. We have to win by at least two. The ball gets sent over to us. It gets low, so I dig, landing flat on my chest and sliding.

I'm able to get under just in time that the ball bounces off my flat hand, letting my teammate set it and someone else uses our last hit to send it over.

I'm already up on my feet again as we send it over the net. We watch one of their girls dive to the ball and... miss.

As the ball bounces on the ground our team, and everyone in the stands starts cheering. We won our last game.

We celebrate for a minute and then high five the over team. We take a picture and I go to see Luke and Jess before I go get my stuff.

"You did great out there kid," Luke says, giving me a side hug.

"Thank you, Butch," I reply.

"Oh, god. You know about that?" he asks.

"Of course I know about that," I say, smiling.

"Nice safe by the way," Jess says.

"Thanks. My ribs hurt," I say placing my hand on them.

I kind of flinch a bit when I make contact. Yep, definitely going to be covered in bruises. I run off to grab my stuff and then the whole team goes to Luke's for dinner.

Carrying our bags, and still in our uniforms we all run across the square and into Luke's. Our trophy being left with our coach.

Seeing as we left Luke and Jess trailing behind us, along with a bunch of other parents I helped Caesar start taking orders and getting drinks.

We all eat, laugh and have fun. Slowly everyone starts filing out, and heading home.

I go upstairs, leaving Luke and Jess to clean up, and deal with our last few customers.

When I'm done I go back down and see the Gilmores. I sit with them and Luke walks over with two coffee mugs.

"What are you doing?" he asks confused.

"Recovering from a day with my parents. Want a taco?" responds Lorelai, grabbing stuff out of her bag.

"Yes, please," I tell her.

"Um, no thanks. See I already have food here. We sell it to the other customers, who don't come quite as prepared as the two of you, and you just ate," Luke says.

"And now I'm eating a taco," I reply.

"Be nice and get us some salsa," Lorelai asks him.

"At least order a cup of coffee," Luke tells her.

"Coffee and tacos?" Rory with a disgusted look on her face.

"Sounds just gross enough to work," Lorelai says.

Jess leaves to get a part for his car and Luke tells him to get a receipt.

"Hey, Luke, what's the record for most tacos eaten in a diner that doesn't actually sell tacos?" Lorelai asks.

"I have no idea," Luke replies.

"Find out, will you? Because if it's less than five, we're famous," she says.

"Where'd you get those things, anyhow?" he asks.

"New Haven," she says.

"Really? The dump was closed?" he asks.

"Paid a little visit to Yale today."

"Yes, one that I prefer not to relive, thank you very much. I'm gonna go study," Rory says, getting up to leave.

"Okay, hun. See you back home," Lorelai replies.

"Bye, Luke. Bye, Jo," she says, leaving.


"Uh, listen, I just want you to know, I had a little talk with Jess earlier," Luke says, taking Rory's seat.

"You did?" Lorelai asks, fake shocked.

"Yes, I did, and I really laid down the rules concerning him and Rory. Trust me. He now knows that I will be watching them every second they are together," he says, happily.

"Oh, good," Lorelai says smiling.


Luke freak out when he realizes Jess and Rory are currently together. He ends up running off to find them. I just sit and enjoy my taco.

"Oh!" I say, getting Lorelai's attention.

"I won my game," I tell her.

"Oh my god! That's great, hun," she replies.

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