Welcome... Home?

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The next morning their alarm clock awoke the twins. Jo groans and pulls the blanket over her head, making Jess reach over her to turn it off. After a few minutes, Jo speaks.

"We have to get up," she mumbles from under the blanket.

"No," Jess replies.

Both of their voices are scratchy with sleep.

"No. Really. We gotta get up," Jo says, pulling back the covers.

She places Bartholomew in her spot on Jess's pillow. After standing, she takes her pillow off her bed, turns, and smacks Jess with it.

He just lets out a long groan, but doesn't open his eyes.

"Up," she says, tossing her pillow back on her bed.

She then walks over to the window. She opens the curtains, letting some light into the room.

"I want coffee. You want coffee?" She doesn't wait for an answer before leaving the room.

She makes coffee, and as it finishes, she goes back into her room to change. She pulls out an outfit to wear. Jess sits up, stretches, and also finds something to wear.

They change facing opposite sides of the room. After turning to look at each other, they realize they picked matching outfits.

Jess is wearing dark grey jeans and a long sleeve camo shirt. Jo is wearing a camo skirt, black tights and a knitted grey sweater.

They both drink some coffee and grab something for breakfast before scanning the apartment to see if they forgot to pack anything.

They grab their duffles and Jess slips on his blue puff vest, Jo grabs their tickets and they leave the apartment.

There had been no signs of Liz being there, and they didn't check. They just left a note on their bedroom door that just said, We left. Bye.

Jo smokes on the way to the bus station and neither says a word. They make it and get on their bus, finding a pair of seats in the back.

Both pull out a book and they get lost in paper worlds for the next hour. Jo falls asleep. The bus was full, and it was making her anxious.

It didn't help that a guy a few seats away was staring at her. Jess wraps his arm around her and gives the guy a death glare. That's when she ended up falling asleep on his shoulder.

He shakes her awake. She looks around unhappily as she tries to wake up. There aren't that many people left on the bus.

Thank god. They pass the sign that says 'Welcome To Stars Hollow' and they share a look. Jo gives Jess a small smile while he just glares.

They pull into the main part of town and stop at the bus stop. A few people get off, Jo and Jess take their bags and follow.

Jo leads as Jess keeps a comforting hand on the middle of her back. They step off and stand in front of the man in the flannel shirt and backwards blue cap. Their uncle.

"Jess. Jo," he says.

"Luke," they reply at the same time.

Jess's face is neutral, but Jo is smiling. Luke just stares for a second before talking.

"Okay," he says, pointing and then waking in the direction he pointed.

The twins share another look before following. He leads them into the diner and closes the door. They both look around.

"Well, this is my diner," Luke says.

"Huh." "Cool," they reply.

"Belonged to your grandpa," he adds.

"Huh." "Cool," they reply again.

Jo is still smiling, looking around in fascination as Jess still reminds, bored and unimpressed.

"Yep," is all Luke says before walking for the stairs.

He leads them to the apartment upstairs.

"Welp, here we are. It's pretty simple. This is the room. That's my bed, those are your, uh, beds, but the sheets are new," he says pointing.

He lists everything else off.

"I've got Frosted Flakes," he tells Jess.

"Wow, that's great," Jess replies sarcastically, drawing out the G.

"And I got you Fruit Loops," he tells Jo.

"Thank you," she replies quietly.

"So, is that all your stuff?" he asks.

"Yep," Jess says, Jo just nods.

"Not much there," Luke says.

"Lizzy's sending the rest later," Jess tells him.

"So, you need some help?" he asks.

"Nope," Jess says, dumping out his bag on one of the air mattresses.

"No, thank you," Jo says, placing her bag on the other air mattress before sitting on it.

"Okay, uh, I have to get back to the diner. I'm gonna close up at 10 tonight, so I thought-" he gets cut off by Jess.

"See you at 10," Jess says, leaving with a book.

"But wait, you need keys," Luke tells him.

"No, I don't," Jess replies, not stopping.

"I, so don't wanna know why," Luke mumbles.

Jo stands up off her air mattress. She also holds a book. She also slips some of her money into her pocket and walks up to Luke.

"I'll take a key, Uncle Luke," she mumbles.

"Oh, uh, alright. Here," he says.

He walks to the table. There sat two sets of keys he had made. He hands one to her.

"I'll see if I can find him. Make sure he doesn't rob somebody, or burn a building down," she says.

He looks scared, which causes her to laugh.

"I'm joking, Uncle Luke," she tells him, smiling.

"Oh, right. Well, I'll see you later."

"Okay," she leaves to find her brother.

\\AN// -- All grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections are helpful, encouraged, and greatly appreciated.

Thank you

-- Izzy

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